It's been awhile since I last shared say so's here but today is as good as any to offer up another entry. Since my Memeness passed away in December, Winter seems to be much longer and gloomier than I ever remember it being. This of course has not helped me maintain a marvelous mood daily, being the Summer Sucker that I am. It has given me loads of time to think about the pleasures and pain that we all have. Though I haven't blogged lately, I've been making mental notes in my noggin about everything I want to share with you. I will start with some of my personal pleasures. No worries folks this won't be a blog about those kind of personal pleasures (the Scorpio readers know what I'm talking about here). I think music is pretty high on my list though spending time with people I care about is even more enjoyable. Putting the two together while outdoors on a hot Summer day can only be topped by enjoying it in the evening. Then of course there is laughter!, what beats laughter for me?...hmmmm...LOVE!, yup, that one thing we all need and some of us can never get enough of (raising hand). I am a lucky lady to have so many people in my life that exchange love with me. Often when in a bad way I don't recognize it or even feel like I deserve love but that isn't the case today. It's all sunshine, lollipops and rainbows around the mind grounds and I am going to put it to good use. The start of Summer for me is in 83 days and I can't wait!. Thoughts of sitting in the sun, barbecuing, moon bathing, getting my mermaid on and tent sleeps under the stars, oh boy!, bring it on!. All of those things will be extra enjoyed because I will be doing them with loved ones.
As some of you may have read from my facebook wall, I have been sharing a friends blog entries. Much of my mind grounds have been filled with thoughts of her. She has plenty of private pain but isn't laying around whining about it like a certain person typing this would be. She is a problem solver not shoveler. I feel inspired by many in my life but this lady has whacked me upside of my head with her wit and wonderful ways. With every entry she adds there is something special for my noggin to gnaw on, sometimes I laugh, lots of times my eyes leak but always, I FEEL and that can often give me the pick me up I need to move on. Did I mention I fall a lot?, emotionally speaking of course, oh wait, when I think of it, frequently I trip on air also...hehe. As I was saying, inspiration is something we all need, some more than others (raising hand again). When I am deep in a pitted private pain it's hard for me to just shake it off and see the sweetness that surrounds me. Nothing good ever comes from those times but I am determined to get back into the beauty of things in a quicker way maybe instantly someday. As I type these lines I wonder what some of your personal pleasures and private pains are?. Would you or have you shared them with another soul?. My biggest private pain would have to be the self loathing I experience when in a bad way. It's been a life long struggle that I hope to overcome one day. Even on good days like today I can't think of five things I love about myself but there is one thing I always know...I have a huge heart that never stops caring for others. I got one, gimme a break!, I'll get there. Ask me to list the things I can't stand in myself and three instantly come to mind. 1. I cuss 2. I cry constantly 3. I complain, not usually in a public way but the house dwellers hear it and that makes me want to pound myself. I am not going to focus on the downside today though, like I said previously, sunshine, lollipops and rainbows for everyone today, even one for me!
I guess this blog today was just to let everyone know that I'm doing okay and in a very well way. I am glad that I didn't offer up an entry like I thought to a few times, no one would have ever wanted to read from me again. I am looking forward to a few things in the coming weeks. Tomorrow I've made plans with my above mentioned friend and my Godmother. I love spending time with both these ladies. I feel renewed and refreshed after being with either of them, time with the two of em together is better than icing on any cake!. Summer will soon be here and it's looking like it will be another one filled with lots of visits everywhere. One of my finest friends turns fifty in April and get together is being planned. There will be many members from my family there that I don't often see so I'm pretty excited for it. Our oldest Son leaves the nest in June and is headed for college and though I am happy he is going to go further with his education than his Father or I have. Angst and agony I have over it all. I can't tell you how much I am gonna miss my Goose. Okay, I must stop typing about this now as visions of days past and him puking all over everyone and everything have my eyes leaking for yesteryear. I can't believe I am missing that part of our lives right am I a sap, for sure!
Well that's about all I have for now but thanks for reading what's in the mind grounds and if you get a chance, please give a look read to the fine female I spoke of above.
Here's a link to her blog