Friday 14 December 2012

Compound Coolness.....

That's what the think tank has been filled with since Wednesday night.
As I've mentioned in previous entries, we are arrowed into archery.
Wednesday night was my turn to shoot with our oldest Son and two
"firsts" took place.
1. Liam was "out  shot" by his old Mom.
2. I shot a compound bow!
Though I'm always happy when our children do well in anything, it
was nice to see improvement in my own efforts.
Though I am no Robin Hood I have hopes of being able to compete
in the future.
Until Wednesday, I was very much undecided on what kind of bow
I would buy when we are able to purchase one.
Now, there is no question about it.
I am going with a compound all the way! 

Before I slide anymore sentences here I just want to state that I am
in a well way today.
The last couple weeks have been hellish for me and I'm happy to have
a break from worry and woe.
I've now been clubbed by the Christmas Spirit and I'm glad it has a
hold on my heart.
This week I have spent time with three of my closest friends and it's
helped haul me from the hole I held myself in.
One gave me a ride home from the mall yesterday and I enjoyed having
a few minutes with her.
Just seeing her super smile and listening to what's being going on in her
world, did me dandily.
Another friend was kind enough to bring me to an ultra sound appointment
and came over for a few hours last Friday, we watched a movie and
feasted on Chinese food, always excellent to spend time with her.
Last night I had a long and lovely phone conversation with one of my
oldest friends.
We shared laughs, smiles, concern, questions, answers and a few frustrations.
I feel fabulously fortunate to have so many pleasant people in my life and
this morning finds me full of gratitude for them.
I'd also like to mention our first Christmas card this year.
Every year, faithfully, another old friend mails us seasonal sweet says.
I don't see this friend often and she never spells my name right even
after all these years but I love her anyway and it always pleases my
blood pumper to open that card.
Thank you to all of my friends and family, living life would be worthless
without all of you!

I'm sure everyone is aware of 12/12/12 that took place this week.
It held special meaning for me.
A friend/family member that I care completely about and have prayed
for constantly, turned forty two.
She wasn't certain that she would live to see it but she has and even though
I know she struggled with persistent, never ending pain, she sported a smile
and slung sunshine through cyberspace, words can't express how much
I love this woman.
If I could describe her in only one sentence so you all could understand
what I'm getting at, it would be, she lives life like taking a bull by the horns.
My one Christmas wish this year is that she is given many more years
to live out life in just that way.

Well this day is going on and I have things I need to do in it so I'll
leave the lines here and lay a couple pictures until my return.
In the one picture is our youngest "arrowing up".
In the second, a way back when pic of one of the friends I mentioned above.
Thanks for reading what's in the mind grounds and may this day deliver
decency to us all   :)

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