Hello everyone!
I sure have missed emptying my Mind Grounds around here. Honestly, I don't know
where to begin. Life hasn't been slow, that's for sure!. I'll get the sadness out of my system first.
On February 18th 2016, my Mother passed away suddenly. While I'm no stranger
to losing loved ones, this was a shock to us all. She fell ill two mornings before she left. Her death also brought about a lot of suppressed feelings from some family members, ones I'm still struggling with.
The older I get the more I think about the relationships we make effort for.
Why is it so hard to walk away or wash our hands of those who we can't sail smoothly with?, and why is it always smooth sailing with others?. There must be a reason and I think It's all relative.
It's nearly two and a half years since my last post. Hopefully, I will get back into the wielding of words without to many woes.
Onto awesomeness!. Since our oldest Son has moved out and graduated College, our youngest has spent a lot of time with friends and engaging in athletics.
We have been here, there and everywhere. Always enjoying the time we share, except when egos are entwined. I love that we can roll with the tides of teens and still want to share moments with them.Constantly I am taken back to my childhood in daily thoughts and actions. Days of way back when, Family and friends filled our leisure hours. Life didn't seem so scheduled and stressed. However, most of those memories were between six and sixteen, haha!
As I type, we are in the beginning of August. Yesterday marked twelve years since my Father died.
Also it was my Cousin's 40th birthday. Summer is speeding by, far to fast for my fancy!. Our Son's are now 21 and 15 year old. I can't believe Billy and I are the Parents of a College graduate. I'm so proud of what he has accomplished so far. Last night I spent the night at my Dear friend's house, Darlene. Her and her Husband Denis have saved my sanity more times than I can count in the last 25 year. We played Euchre, laughed, sang and enjoyed every second we shared. I'm loving this Summer as all the others before it. Honestly, I live for this time of year. I'd like to give gratitude to another friend of mine, Crawdad (Claudette), she is Darlene's Mother. Earlier this week she made it possible for us to get a laptop for our youngest Son, for school. It was weighing heavy on my mind and filled my with worry. I was able to see her today and express my appreciation. We are so lucky to have people in our lives that always care!. That is the reason why I am able to type an entry here today, yay!.Thank you Crawdad and Mr T!..hehe
Currently, we are anxious for our Summer supper. Vision corn, spareribs, field tomatoes and sweet yellow watermelon!. I just can't do justice in describing the delicious, complete sweet of the corn, I dream about it and wake with mouth watering, when not in season. Yes, it is the best we've ever had!
I would challenge any Farmer to compete with Elaine's Garden Market and their perfect produce. A bit scattered in my say so's here but that's always how my gears go in the mind grounds, when I'm happy and in a well way. I'm thinking of three Lad's I love. Our Son Aidn's graduation with his two long time friends. They graduated from grade eight, last year. It was such a wonderful day!.I bawled like a newborn baby, from beginning to end. Of course I will add pictures, once I've said all I need to. No, you poor souls, I'm not done yet!...hehehe. The older I get the harder it gets to let certain moments go. Days doing not to much of anything except hanging around together, when everyone laughs and memories are made, absolute magic it is to me and I hope I retain them all in the life that remains in me. Goodness this feels good!, to release and share my thoughts again. If you are still reading, thank you.
I must say sayonara for now but I plan on keeping in touch. As always, thanks for reading what`s in my Mind Grounds and may this day be a decent one for you.
Glad to see you blogging again. :) Big hugs, Michelle