A sad day for some and for others a joyful time of year.
When Boxing Day comes along it means only one thing to me, five more
months until The May 2-4 weekend and the kick off of Summer.
That's right!, there is just no bad time to start thinking about the speedy season.
Though I haven't yet been clutched in Christmas's clench, I am looking forward
to being with all my loved ones on Jesus's big day.
I'm also anxious to give our Son's their gifts, I'd love to share what they are but
my oldest occasionally has eyes on my entries here so silent I must stay.
I will say, tonight we go pick up our youngest Son's gift and hopefully he'll be as
happy receiving it as we are to be giving it.
I've really nothing very exciting or life changing to tell you of but that suits me swelly.
I know that isn't a word but this is my blog and I'll toss about the letters, how I like. :P
Things have been going fairly fine and I can't complain, sometimes I still do though.
Something took place this morning that I'd like to share with you.
It wasn't remarkable in any way but it's still sticking with me so I must pass
along it's pleasantries.
Who doesn't like sharing smiles?
As my two Son's and I were in the hustle and bustle of this morning, my oldest
told me of a book that will hopefully be chosen to read next, at school.
He started off by saying "Uhm ya, so Mom, the next book we may be reading is
Flowers For...." but he couldn't recall the last word.
I instantly knew what novel he referred to and he could tell that he held all
of my attention.
As some or more likely, most of you know, this is a well known work by
Daniel Keyes, later made into a marvelous movie.
Flowers For Algernon was indeed a wonderful read.
I won't get into the grit of it but I'll state that's it's always been a favorite of mine.
He asked me what it was about but I refused to offer him an ounce on any of it.
I'd rather build his excitement and offer continued interest when he starts reading it.
It was a nice moment and my youngest Son even joined in on the conversation
repeating his Brothers question and telling me again about the book his is reading with his class.
The Mouse And The Motorcycle, apparently another classic.
I'll have to give that one a look see, soon.
Ahhh a few moments we were all wonderful in!
That doesn't always happen when two or more very different souls take up
space with each other.
Anyway, what was I going to type on about next?
Oh ya, archery!
We arrowed up last night, well the two boys and I did, Hubby Bub will have his
turn to "shoot em up" on Wednesday.
It was a good night and even though I was "out shot" by our oldest Son, I enjoyed
the evening and love doing this with them.
A couple of emotional rain clouds have clobbered some of us since I last
slung sentences here but I'll not go into further mention of them because
I'm not about to dissect or destroy my decent mood.
I will state that I'm looking forward to many things in the next few weeks,
hopefully seeing or speaking with some of you.
My Sister is already planning Christmas Eve and I must admit that I'm also anxious
to be with everyone again.
Can't hardly wait for the Christmas chaos moments, those are like gravy to me.
Spending time with my Sons while Hubby goes hunting is also something I can't wait
to do, cooking, playing cards, eating popcorn and watching movies will hopefully
be enjoyed by us all.
Making Perogies for my Hubby Bub's trip is in my near future and I always
enjoy making him a meal to share with everyone.
As I have most times I type, music plays on in the background.
One song specifically strikes sunshine in me so I must end this entry by sharing
it with you, it could be my favorite from Mr Clapton.
Thank you for reading what's on my mind grounds and may kindness clobber
you when you least expect it!