Tuesday 6 November 2012

Forty-Two Is The New Twenty-Two......

Well it is, I'm just saying.
Actually I'm sporting a super smile while sliding sentences here in cyberspace.
This is a mighty fine way to empty the think tank so I'm gonna be an Author of
opportunity and offer up my thoughts on the titled subject.

As many of you know and wished me well for, yesterday was my forty-second
birthday and it went down in the book of my life as a beautiful one.
It didn't have material gifts but that's fine for me as I have more than
I use and need, always.
What my day did hold was heaps of happiness in the words and actions of others.
I know those are wishy, washy, willow words but that's just winded ole me.
From the kind comments, phone calls and all around well wishes to the wonderful
words my Sister offered me, right down to the delicious, time consuming dinner
my helpful Husband made, it was a marvelous day!
I love birthdays and can only recall one really bad one and that was my fault.
It's funny thinking back to that day, five year old little me ruined my own party
with bad behavior.
I've destroyed great days many times for that very same reason, somethings time
never changes, haha.
Anyway, we should all be celebrated in special ways on our big day and I sure was.
Thank you to all of you who had a hand in my happiness, I'm still holding on
to it today.

I'm well and in a wonderful way nestled cross legged in "the nest" this morning,
thinking about one of the best friends I ever had the pleasure of laughing, loving
and living with.
Pepe Gene was the first "best friend" in my  life and more than thirty-five years
later he still lives on in smiles, memories and the love he left us with.
Though the Big Guy came for him at the young age of fifty-four, thankfully he
left me many wonderful people to form friendships and fine feelings for.
My Father was also a very close friend to me as is my Aunt and Sister.
Add those together with the few handfuls of other related & unrelated folks
that I share a bond with and it amounts to me, one lucky soul.
I just answered the phone only to hear more birthday greetings from a  few
forgetful Fella's close to my  blood pumper.
I don't care when they wish me well, I'm just happy they bother to at all.

Well my oldest will be home for lunch soon and I want to fix him the homemade
soup I stirred up.
I'll leave you with one of the last family pictures Pepe Gene was ever in and
one of him and us kids shortly before his death, I'm the one sitting on the floor
and he's holding my Cousin Brandon.
I was the flower girl at  this wedding but wasn't in this shot, was probably
throwing a two year old tantrum somewhere.
I recall having a few that day.....hehehe, sorry Aunt Pam, must have been
maddening dealing with that on your "Bride Day".
P.S peeps, Pepe's the one with the bow tie.
Thanks for reading what's on my mind grounds and I hope this day is a
happy one for you all.

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