than one thought in the think tank.
Though I'm certain I don't have to mention what meaning is held in today, I will here
because it's been on my mind all morning.
How can eleven years have passed since that day of such demise?
I don't dare type the three numbers that are associated with these 24 hours,
for fear I will spend the rest of this gifted day in eye leaks.
I'd rather choose to live lively in it!, enjoying every single person and thing around me.
My mind wanders off to the faceless family and friends of those who lost their lives
on that mournful morning.
How their hearts must ache on this day.
Leaving the nest earlier, I was in a very sad way for reasons other than the one mentioned above.
It didn't take me long to turn it around though, a few words of encouragement
and concern from a couple of friends along with realizing what I needed to do,
did the trick.
Now, sitting back in the nest, happy and giving thanks for all I have in life I'm in a
better place to type from my heart (and mind grounds) :)
Also, I'd like to add that "I Can't Know" why such hatred and greed exist in
the world but I refuse to let it stop me from seeing the sweetness in what
life has to offer.
Back to the title at hand.
It's birth came from the mouth of my young Cousin one day while I was
babysitting him.
Though I don't recall the specific question I called upon him to answer, his reply
was simply stated, "I can't know, Aunt Ger"
I knew instantly that what he meant to say was, "I don't know" but for whatever
reason, that's not what he said.
For a year or so after that he always said "I can't know" when he didn't know the answer to a question.
It's still something many of us say when we don't know an answer to a question
and it cracks me up whenever I hear a loved one reference him by speaking it.
That, my friends, is a simple pleasure and I plan on taking part in many of them today.
Keeping with the flow of feelings here I want to share some of my yesterday
with all of you.
A Cousin on my Mom's side has recently moved here from "Out West" and
I was invited over for a visit.
Beyond beautiful the day was and we enjoyed catching up on each others lives.
Only one thing bummed me out, the "bugging me biggley" buzzing bees!
They were everywhere and we couldn't get away from them no matter where we
tried to bench our backsides.
Not a chance on my "Hell No!" highway would I let them ruin the marvelous
moments we had and it was truly a treat to see my Cousin and her Daughter
happy and doing well.
Well time is going by much to quickly and I have things to do so I'll say
Sayonara, so long and see ya later, for now.
Thanks for reading what's on my mind and may this day be marvelous, if
only because we're in it. :)
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