Friday 13 January 2012

Freaky Friday.....

Another week is winding down and this morning I reluctantly rose
from the nest to find those pesky flakes that fall from the sky, fell onto
everything. Yup we have snow once again.
It's not much so I'll go on to gripe about something else.
Today is Friday the 13th and though I don't go around looking for
ladders to walk under or black cats to cross I still proceed with
caution on these days because I am kinda superstitious.

Fridays are a good day for looking back with me, you have most of the
week past and only the weekend to get through and who doesn't
like the weekends?
Those who work em I imagine.
Much good came from this week, I'm gonna reflect on that instead of
wasting any more time and energy on the negative things that needled me.
It started off sweetly with the kids going back to school, yay! and seeing
Meme in a well way when we went to visit.
Our Sons have been getting along decently, Hubby has been in a good mood
and Wednesday found me visiting with two old friends, seeing one and talking
for hours on the phone with another.
Simple stuff for surely but swell enough to keep me smiling.

Now that January has it's hands on us I find myself looking forward to
what I call Summer's start, the May 2-4 weekend!
Yes it's months away but it's always good to have something to look
forward to.
I am also excited for the end of April, you see my Husband and I
will be celebrating our 20th wedding anniversary this year.
(those of you that read my blog already know this) I can't believe
how quickly all those years have passed by. I don't know how
I ever ended up with such a great guy but I'll not look a gift horse
in the mouth so I just thank God for the graces I've been living with.

Actually I am anxious for a bit more snow as well so our youngest
Son can use the new snow board he was given at Christmas, the thing
looks like it's gonna fly and I can't wait to see his face when he rides it.
My mind still makes it's way back to this past Christmas and how
very much I miss my Uncle that just passed but how wonderful it was
to have all of us getting along, laughing and smiling about memories
we all made with him.
Keeping that in mind I will leave these lines with a comical picture my
Hubby Bub captured of my Cousin and I locked in a cracker kiss.
Good times indeed, I love my family!
May the remainder of this day be dandy for you all and as always
thank you for reading what's on my mind.

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