Friday, 29 March 2013

Cross To Bare.....

That's what's in the mind grounds on this Good Friday, specifically, the one Jesus was nailed to. I am knee deep in perogy dough and in a well way. I hope you all are in the same state. I'm looking forward to spending the Bunny's big day with many branches in our bunch. One of our Uncles is preparing turkey dinner for all of us and it has me very happy in the heart. You see, this Uncle hasn't always been real close to many of us over the years but in the past few, he's made excellent efforts to include all of us in his life. I'm also looking forward to my God Child's Conformation, tomorrow night. Her family has recently taken up the Catholic faith and it pounds my blood pumper proudly to be included in the celebration. I'm a bit bummed that I couldn't attend Good Friday mass, it's one of my favorites in the year. Pounding perogies is what I committed myself to though so I'll settle for Easter Vigil with family members tomorrow. I did however get on my knees to pray and offer thanks at 3pm so I hope the Big Guy is good with that :)

This week has been a wonderful one and figured I'd add a second entry to enhance it. My friend made it through surgery and is waiting to see if it was a success. Thank you to all who prayed or thought positively, for her. It's beautiful outside, in my homespace. For the first time this year, windows are open and I keep sneaking outside to suck up some of that sweet sunshine. I am very anxious for the nice weather to arrive. High hopes I have in anticipation of getting my backside on my bike. Winter wasn't the worst here but I'll be glad when all evidence of it has left my environment. I'm just itching to get my mermaid on in Lake St Clair or Lady Erie and I can't tell you how much I'm looking forward to tent sleeps under the stars. Oh how Summer satiates me!. I really can't think of much else to type so I'll leave these lines less lengthy than usual and wish you all an awesome Easter. I will add a picture my Husband snapped of our oldest Son and I earlier this week. Thanks for reading what's in the mind grounds and may this day find you in a fabulous way.

Wednesday, 27 March 2013

Fantasy Frequencies.....

As I woke this morning and readied myself for my daily routine, thoughts of trading places with someone I love, trickled through the think tank. I've thought about it many times since the person I'm referring to has entered my life. Actually for the last year and half, these fantasy frequencies (that's what I call em) have come and gone. Usually, like now, it's at a time when my friend is in her worst way or I am. You see, she's having surgery today and I'm all kinds of antsy about it. For obvious reasons but also additional ones. I've mentioned this wonderful woman before in my blogs and I'm sure my regular readers know who I'm speaking of. For those of you that are new to this space, I'll give you a quick review. My friend's name is Christine and she is my Husband's first Cousin, she recalls me from childhood but I can't make the same statement of her. I do remember getting an invitation to her wedding some twenty-two years ago but I hadn't recalled ever meeting her or her Husband. Anyway, she wasn't a person I knew, I only recall being introduced once and didn't have the pleasure of her presence in my life, until recently. Today she is much on my mind, like she has been since offering me her friendship several months ago. Getting back to the title at hand....

Fantasy frequencies is what I've been having, frequently. Often when I feel like this it's when I'm not in a well way, within my own self. I think of how much better it would be for her family and mine if we could switch spaces. I think of how I've failed my Husband, children, family, friends and also myself. If we could change places, it would be wonderful!. I'd be sick and unable to do what was required of me. She would be free, mobile and healthy, able to achieve anything!. I've learned in the past year that when this happens it's at a time when both of us have been in need of something. I'm not certain if she's received what she needs but I can tell you that I sure have and The Big Guy gave it to me by way of Chrissy's own kindness. I haven't spoken to her recently but knew she wasn't in a good way. Our friendship is a very breezy but beautiful one and we always pick up where we last left off. Months will pass between us having a visit but she is often on my mind and always in my prayers. I can't tell you how many times just a thought of her and what she's struggled through, has set me straight and smiley, today is no different.

Last night my Husband took me out for dinner, the second time in less than a week and trust me folks, that NEVER happens. When we returned, I glanced at the calls on our phone and saw that Chrissy had called only ten minutes before we walked in. Sadly, I didn't call her back as I wanted to bathe and go watch a movie that we picked up. I did think about calling her, several times as we watched "Unknown". How fitting that title is for this day. My Husband knew that she's been on my mind because I mentioned that I hadn't heard from her and figured she was struggling with things. He didn't tell me to call her and put off the movie, like I had hoped he would. I've done that a few times with other friends recently and got blasted for it so I didn't want to do it again. How many times do you wish you could just go back a few hours in time and do something different?, right now, that's me, well and the trading places thing to. I would trade places with her if I could, not because of my "Irritable Self Syndrome"  but instead, so she could live her life the way she wants instead of having to live it consumed by pain. If today were my last day on earth, I would happily state that I did everything I wanted to except swim in an ocean and pet a pelican. I would also make this switch with other loved ones. Thoughts of my Meme are all in me when I'm in this way. What would my Grandmother give to be younger, pain free and again mobile?. I know that occupying my mind grounds with such senselessness isn't smart but it does make me focus on the gifts I have of today so maybe it does serve me sweetly, after all :)

I made mention of "Chrissy's Kindness" above and I'll elaborate now. This morning after a couple of days feeling useless, unloved and unheard around here, I read back on blog entries from my friend and recalled all the times she's made me feel better about myself by sharing herself with me. Reading that she would be having surgery today, belted my blood pumper. Instantly, my "head voice" said "see, you should have called her back last night, you Ninny!", then I stopped and thought. What would your friend want for you if you could ask her now?. I knew she would want me to appreciate the gifts I have, in not only my good health but the happiness I receive from those around me. Simple, right?, well today it is but I make no promises pertaining to the future because my feelings are far to finicky for that.

I could sit here all day typing about the things I love and look up to in each of my friends and family members but I feel the need to get back on my knees again, time for another talk with the Big Guy!
Thanks for reading what's in my mind grounds and may we all be as blessed to see
tomorrow as we are in the beauty of today!
P.S I'll add two pictures that have much meaning to my friend, one is from a local artist Wade Clark and the other is one of my own.

Tuesday, 19 March 2013

Where The Deer And The Pheasants Do Play......

I would have said "where the deer and the antelope play" but we didn't see any antelope while we were away. We did see a deer and even shot a couple pheasants so that's how I chose the title of this blog. Hello everyone! (waving) I'm happy to again be adding entries from "the nest". While we were away, our Son's laptop was fixed by my very generous Brother-In-Law and I'd like to extend my thanks here for all his help. Before leaving for our trip on Sunday, we attended Aidn's hockey game where he once again scored a goal and added another assist to his puck performance. That was a swell start to our vacation. Once we were on the road, our Son's excitement exceeded it's previous levels, they couldn't wait to arrive at the "deer camp". Less than a two hour drive, we didn't have to wait long. Pulling into the unpaved road of a driveway that extends to the log cabin, filled me with anticipation over the rest of our family that would soon be arriving. Again, the wait wasn't a lengthy one and our clan of Cousins were with us less than an hour after our arrival. I took to the stove and started dinner, perogies and a spinach salad would be served. Everyone enjoyed my edible efforts and as always, it was perfectly pleasing to hear their praise.

Monday would find us welcoming even more family members. My Sister and her kids, first, then even more Cousins, I love it!. Our day was spent much like the times we all gather in home spaces, kids faces in screens, board games or video games but this time, offering other awesome options. Hunting and target shooting was also on hand. It always does me dandily to see the ones I love enjoying each others company and one of my favorite moments came while my Son and Nephew were playing Monopoly. The were speaking with funny British like accents and it was completely comical. The little ones ran from downstairs to the loft where everyone slept and though a few of them had to be told more than once to not climb or jump on certain beds, they were well behaved and were having a great time. Though this wasn't a full family vacation like back in July, there were many of us there and I'm grateful we all made the effort to be together. Dinner would be done up by Cousin Colin and I knew it would be delicious. Breaded, deep fried perch was on the menu and I helped a wee bit by making poutine for us to have with it. Another spectacular supper was served and I was happy our Cousin offered to cook for a night. My Sister and her Daughter wouldn't be staying over but she did let her Son spend the night with us and I'm glad he did. One of our Cousins that came with her Daughters wasn't feeling so good and stayed wrapped up in a "warm fuzzy" for most of the night. This made me feel even more special, making any trip with three children in tow can be trying but when you're feeling under the weather, it's worse. Thank you for being there with us, ALL OF YOU, we loved every second shared!

If my memory serves me sweetly, Tuesday we had snow and though I do like the white stuff falling from the sky when we're there, I never care for the brisk temperature change. Breakfast was made by yours truly and I thoroughly enjoyed preparing eggs benedict for all who wanted to partake. Sadly, we had to say sayonara to some of our guests. I never like that part but do understand how busy all our lives can be and sometimes schedules don't align. A nice surprise was had when a couple of the Cousins had car trouble and had to stay an extra night. You'd see no eye leaks from me about that, ever!. The guys all went out hunting and were rewarded with some wild game, two pheasants to be exact, a male and a female. I loved seeing our youngest Son proudly holding his prize up for me to snap a few shots. By the time we left, Hubby Bub's back would be feeling all the walking they did but he never complains about it and is always anxious for time at "the deer camp". Most of my time was spent, cooking, cleaning or washing out pants for our youngest. You see, his "mixed up in the mind" Mother only packed him two pairs of pants, don't ask me how I managed that, I'm blaming it on being rushed, though I remembered even the smallest of details like spices and certain pans for cooking. I'm light in the load upstairs, what can I say?. Dinner that night would be homemade pizza and I again would do the cooking, which I truly take pride in. Another yummy meal was had and I beamed as my loved ones praised my efforts.

Wednesday we said so long to the last of our guests and though we still enjoyed our final two days, I'm always of the mindset, "the more, the merrier".  Our boys behaved very well and our oldest was especially helpful when asked. Some folks down the road came to play cards with us and I did have to go upstairs once to hand out a warning to our youngest Lad but aside from that, they were superb and let us enjoy games of euchre for a few hours. I've met the Husband before, each time we've stayed at "the deer camp" but that evening was the first time greeting his Wife. A lovely couple they are and we enjoyed having them over. It was nice to hear about people and places in their lives, I love learning of others and feel it's a gift to share stories of ourselves with souls that step into our lives. We may never see them again, who knows? but for those few fly by hours, we enjoyed every second spent with them. I don't remember all moments in my life, no one does but I hope to carry as many happy ones with me in the mind grounds, as I can, for years to come. Thursday and Friday found us in lazier ways, still sweet in every stitch but in a much more laid back way. My Husband always enjoys this time more than I do, I think it's because he came from a huge family. I don't imagine there was much personal time or space in any spot of their house, when he was growing up. One thing was for certain, my eyes did leak upon our departure, I can't stand leaving vacation!

Well that's about all I have for now, Folks but I'll leave these lines with a few pictures from our time away. Thanks for reading what's in the mind grounds and may this day find you in a healthy and happy way.

Wednesday, 6 March 2013

Sail On To Sunnier Shores.....

That's what's in the think tank today!
I am trying to settle myself from a shocking start this morning. I won't go into details as to protect the privacy of others but I will state that it has me a bit shaken, not stirred. Boy!, a Martini would be good at the moment!. An appearance from James Bond would be even better!...hehehe
Right now I'm good and grateful to not be handling the huge heaps two of my friends are being hit with. We're at only Wednesday and this week has been a rough one for them as well as myself. Puny, little problems of mine have shadowed most of the sun we've shared. Today I will make different efforts and hope to find some solutions, while trying to Sail On To Sunnier Shores. As for the fire my friends are going through?, I will pray, plead and provide any promise with the Big Guy to help them get through what they struggle with and.....I'll be on my knees while I do it!

Changing lanes in lines here.....
I often wonder while I'm typing if I've chosen the right words and used them correctly, spelling, punctuation and meaning. For example, look above at my title here, should it read "On To" or "Onto?", should that question mark I just used be inside or outside of the quotation marks?. Most times I will seek the correct way but sometimes, like today, I'll just let it make way out of my mind grounds and edit or not, later. I guess it's my way of trying to take my thoughts off what's bothering me. Maybe I just need a straight jacket for "the upstairs", who knows?, not me....I'm rambling now, sorry, I'll stop.

Oh I remember what I was so excited to blog about, it was this past Sunday!
Unfortunately, sadness struck me and held me in a stranglehold, until today. Now that I am starting to feel the sweeter side of myself again, I can share with you what I was overjoyed about. As I've mentioned in previous blog entries, our youngest Son Aidn plays hockey. Every Sunday finds My Husband, my Step-Dad and myself, rink side. On March 3rd, our oldest Son and my Mother attended as well. Any of you that know me well can state how happy this made me. I always enjoy my family being around but when a certain someone decides to include themselves in things we do together, then it's gravy!, I bet you already knew that. I also had another reason to be beaming, well two actually. Our Aidn scored his first goal ever!. I can't begin to lay lines about my excitement and enormous, emotional expression of it but of course, I'll try. :) I wish I would have glanced at the time ticker so I could relay the exact moment it happened but I was so sucked into "his moment" that I couldn't shake myself from it until the end of the game. I must tell you what my Husband said to me a good ten minutes after Aidn scored, "Ger, can you please stop crying before I start?" and as we were leaving, a comical older gentleman asked what I would have done if our Son had handed out a Hat Trick?, I replied with "I probably would have dropped dead from a heart attack". I think I may now be considered a "Hockey Mom", what do you think?...hehehe. Also, our little Laddie added an assist to his ranking. Really though, It doesn't matter to me if he would have scored or done well at all. It's his first year in it and as long as he is having fun and enjoying himself, that's enough hockey happy for me!

Well I've some time on my knees to be getting to and will feel even better once I do that so I'll leave these lines with those I've laid and bid you all a dandily day!. I'll also slide in a song and a couple pictures from Aidn's game. Thanks for reading what's in my mind grounds and until I type again, may your problems be piddly and your promises be preformed.

Friday, 1 March 2013

I Will Serenade You....

Looking at the title of this entry I bet any of you can gather a guess on how
I'm feeling this morning. Luckily, none of you can hear me right now.
Yup, I'm singing and in a sweet state of mind. Maybe you're wondering what
song I'm singing, Well I'll not keep you questioning, it's Let Me Serenade You from
my Father's favorite band, Three Dog Night. If you're unfamiliar with it's fineness then maybe you should give it a listen some time, great feel good tune.

I really don't have much to type about today but I'm in a good way and want to make the most of it. Typing out my thoughts is not only therapeutic but it helps me remain optimistic when I feel others are opposed to me. I had a couple of those days this week and didn't want to add any sour say so's here, so silent I stayed until sunshine was again at my shore. Thinking back on the days that  have passed since my last entry, I'm remembering the smiles and belly shakes we shared with some family and friends last week. Friday found us "getting our mermaid on" at a local swimming hole. I didn't partake as I was keeping a Cousin company who has yet to grow her gills. I did enjoy being able to talk with her and snap shots of our family of fish. This past week has also had me doing a kahton of cooking, think I'm preparing for all the meals I'll be making at the deer camp in ten days. I've made perogies, french onion soup, croutons and chicken & sliders (glissant's, as the french call em).  Today I don't plan on being at the stove near as much, maybe just to reheat some of the above said treats.

At the moment I'm very excited for our upcoming mini vacation. You may remember me typing of "deer camp" last year and how we spent New Years and March Break there. Like then, some family members will be joining us and that always makes my blood pumper go "giddy up". Another reason why I feel so elated  about things like this is because our boys enjoy it so much and count down sleeps , right along with me. Sharing in these simple pleasures really does add to my "joy" in life. Thank you Liam and Aidn, when I see you looking forward to anything, it always adds enhancement for me!. Did I mention my Husband's enthusiasm?. Any of you that know him well can give witness to his anticipation over thoughts of being at the "deer camp". Personally I think his time off work serves him just as sweetly in the think tank but deer camp is one of his happiest places to play. I'll leave this one short because my back is bugging me. Our Son's laptop is laid up so I don't have the luxury of adding an entry from the nest and this computer chair just ain't the best.
I'll add a couple pictures, one old (my favorite spot at the "deer camp") and the other, new. Also I'll include the above mentioned song, in case some of you are curious and care to give it a listen. Thanks for reading what's in the mind grounds and may this day be marvelous for us all!