Friday 9 March 2012

Spilt Second Sadness.....

I'm sitting in front of the computer screen just trying to shake the awful images
of yesterday from my mind, I know I can't but still I try.

Let me start at the beginning so you can get a better picture of what took place.
As any of you living in southern Ontario know, it was wonderful weather wise
around here yesterday and I couldn't wait to get on my bike and ride through
the rays of sunshine that spread across the city.
The bike ride over to babysitting found me full of life and in a good way.
The day had been going well and there was no indication that anything
would change it.
My Cousin was on his way to work and was also in good spirits over
the sunny weather.
I had a few minutes to fling around so I did the dishes and tossed toys
for their dog before I had to pick up the oldest child at the bus.
This dog loves playing fetch and we were having fun but as the hands inched
by on the clock I knew I must get a move on it or I would miss the kids bus.
I brought the dog in the backyard and made my way to the bus stop..
Coming off the bus he tossed me his backpack and coat, we walked back to
the house and he told me his day at school went well, always nice to hear that.
The dog was excited to see us and couldn't wait for us to return the attention.
I instructed the child to go in the house remove his shoes and put his backpack
on the table, told him I was gonna get his furry friend and be right in.

This is when the day took a terrible turn.....
Just as I was bringing her in the house she yanked her neck and got out of her collar.
I called for her and started after her but she took off like the wind and ran
three houses away before stopping to get some attention from a group of teenagers
gathered at the bus stop, she darted again to the next house before turning around
and then shooting into the street.
The oncoming conversion van slowed down but failed to stop and hit her head on.
I watched on in absolute horror as I saw the accident unfold in slow motion before my eyes.
I can't even put into words how horrible the sight and sounds were and I
was certain the dog was a goner .
To my surprise she got up and started running around in the street yelping in pain.
My heart broke and I was torn on what I should do next, stay with the dog or go back
to the house with the child.
Of course I had to go get the boy but did I want to bring him there to see his dog
injured and in pain like that?.....GOODNESS NO!

After I got back to the house and called my Cousin to explain what happened he
told me to wait there with his Son and the Mother would be home soon.
Some good Samaritans stayed with the poor pooch while I waited shaken up by
what just took place.
I then heard someone at the door and opened it to see two angry men there.
They started screaming at me and threatened to press charges and told me how
cruel I was to leave.
I quickly figured out that these were the men in the van that hit her.
Politely and as calmly as I could, I explained to the men why I couldn't just go
to the dogs side and though they weren't happy when they left I was
glad to see them go.
A few minutes later another gentleman came knocking but this time it was a
very friendly calm man. 
He told me that the humane society was called and the dog was on her way to
get medical treatment.
He was very understanding and not at all hostile, I will forever remember his
kindness and compassion for the dog and myself.
Thank you Sir, wherever you are.

I stayed with the children while the Mother went to see the dog.
Waiting for word on her condition felt like an eternity before the call came in.
The dog would be kept for observation and watched for internal bleeding.
I started typing this earlier but wasn't able to finish it until today and as I am adding
this entry the dog is at home healing with her family.
What I saw that day and what is now just can't be explained.
I believe miracles happen all over and on March 7th 2012 I saw one
with my own eyes.
Thank you sweet Jesus above for the things you do that defy logic!

We have a busy weekend planned with our family and I will be away from
the computer for a few days so there will be no more entries until early
next week at least.
Thank you for reading what's on my mind and may this day find you well
and full of life, lap it up Folks!


  1. I feel your pain...I was crying reading this...thinking this could very easily be our Punkin!!! Hope Rosebud is healing well

  2. Thank you Darlene, I love that I made you cry. :)
