Tuesday 6 March 2012

Spring Forward.....

That's what I'm trying to do, so far, so good.
I'm definitely looking forward to gaining the extra hour of daylight
this weekend.
Though we had a very mild Winter, I'm happy to see it haul out of here.

I don't have anything particular to type about this morning but my mood is
much better so I wanted to add a few words before I get to the work I have
to do today.
I want to make mention of all the kind words folks had for me after my last entry.
One of the things that keeps me a float when I feel like I'm sinking is the love
that surrounds me.
Kind words of encouragement from family and friends near and far fuel me to
move forward and look at life in a finer way.
Thank you to all of you who reached out to offer me sweet says, it's helped
to have me in a better way today.
Reading back on that entry kinda makes me feel a bit embarrassed because
I so easily shared the sadness that stirred inside me, a sign of weakness to some
maybe but I'm nothing if not an emotionally honest woman. 
I've always enjoyed sharing things in my life and there is nothing I have more of
than emotions so I'll continue to let the feelings flow!
When I have times like that it's usually the kindness of others that help get me
back to good and I believe it's the Big Guy's way of giving me what I need.

Today I'll be cooking the day away, perogy pinching to be precise.
We are going to the deer camp for a few days and I want to give some homemade
goodies to family members and friends that we'll be seeing while we're away.
Right now I'm just enjoying my coffee and listening to some music for to get me
in a motivated mood.
I never do tire of seeing folks enjoy anything I make but it takes some effort
for me to get moving along in making these.
That being said I'll leave these lines with a song I've been sweet on lately.
Thanks for reading what's on my mind and I hope you can make this day
a little better than the last, I know I'm trying too.

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