Wednesday 21 March 2012

Spring Or Summer?.....

Well the calendar says it's Spring but it feels like Summer and I'm not
spitting sours over it.
All the glorious sunshine and warmth has helped to keep my spirits
soaring lately.
That's always a good thing.

In my last entry we were still enjoying March Break, now everyone is back to
the daily routines of life and looking forward to Summer vacation.
In our house we all look forward to something in the future once the
present moments have passed.
No one does this more than our oldest Son though, he flies by the seat of his pants
looking forward to things that are a year away and makes sure we all know his
every excitable thought for each upcoming event.
It's one of the things I love most about him.
As I type this he is working out sleeping arrangements and food preparation 
for everyone on family vacation.
It looks like we will be over 30 people going so I gather his head is spinning.

Our youngest Son at the moment is held up in the clutches of consequence.
Yup he's a fiery little Fella and is always willing to suffer through any discipline
to get what he wants.
You see, he has to make a musical instrument and present it on Friday but he
wanted to play outside longer when he was called in to work on it last night.
His Father warned him to come in and do it but playing with friends was more
important at the time.
I'm usually the one who doles out discipline in this house and if our little Lad
would have wrapped his mind around what his Father told him to do then he wouldn't
be staying in after school on this beautiful March day.
He is our little Irish fireball and I love him for many reasons and his persistence
is one of em even though it makes me madly at times.

We have been enjoying this beautiful weather by spending more time outdoors,
sitting by the fire pit, barbequing and going for rides out in the county.
Earlier this week we took a drive out to a local tourist spot called Colasanti's and
I always enjoy riding on the route we take.
County rd 34 is filled with magical memories from my childhood.
My Father used to take us out there on Sunday's and after we would visit Colasanti's
we would make stops at the Cottam Pond, Cob Corner, The Dairy Freeze and
McLeod's Farm.
If for some reason we didn't go to Colasant's then we would make all the other
stops after venturing into Leamington for an ice cold glass of tomato juice
at the big tomato.
When we drive by or stop in and visit these places I can still see my Father
laughing, telling stories and playing with us.
I'm even lucky enough to have made memories with him at some of those places
with my Husband and oldest Son.

We also had some sadness strike branches of our family again this past week.
A Cousin of mine was called home at 36, far to young for all the hearts who loved
him to say goodbye.
He leaves behind his life lady and two teen children.
I've prayed for them and their families constantly since hearing of his passing on Saturday night.
I will keep happy memories of his family in mind as I make my way through this day.

Well it is beyond beauteous out there so I must go bask in it!
Thanks for reading what's on my mind and may you be well in your own ways.


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