Tuesday 8 May 2012

Where I Come From......

Sitting here this morning as usual with coffee in hand and thoughts
hang gliding around my mind.
Music surrounds me and this blog title shares the same name as the
song playing. (get to that later)
It seems as good a title as any and gives me the opportunity to tell you
a bit about where I came from.

A little more than forty-one years ago I left the hospital with my parents
to start my life in the house I would grow up in.
It was a one floor, three bedroom house found in the middle of a small, serene
little seven street neighbourhood.
Stop 26 or as the old timers call it, Dog Patch, is where I learned my first
lessons in life.
There was a church where I made my sacraments in and also two schools
on my street that were closed by the time I came into the world but they were left
standing for years which gave us hours and hours of good play space.
We even had a wee grocery store called Dupuis's Market.
I have fond memories of being given fifty cents and told to take my Sis for a treat.
We always bought lemons and I was allowed to take a paring knife so we could
equally share our sour slices of heaven.
We would sit on the front steps of the store and stare at the inviting beach
across the street.
Though we weren't able to cross racy ole Riverside Drive for many years,
we always wanted to.
We also had a watering hole that all the adults in the neighbourhood
were members at.
The Sportsman's Club sat right next to East End Park which I'm proud to
see are both still standing even though some of the space has been sold.
Like most land in that area, it's shrunk to make room for new homes or roads. :(
I had a couple of archery competitions at the club and have made many marvelous
memories there.
The park was were we all played and in the Summers we had a Soupy
there doing crafts and such with all the kids from the neighbourhood.
I don't know if other cities had Soupy's but I'm sure glad we did!
This park is also were I received my first kiss from Hubby Bub, such sweet memories! 
There was also a farm on our street that all the kids would try and play at
before getting chased away by mad geese.
I can still see one of those fiery feathered fowls trying to take a snap at me,
they were mean and had me running for my life more than once.
Good times indeed!

A favorite Stop 26 story involved my Cousin and the passion she had for pacifiers.
Keep in mind while reading this how the world has changed in the last 35 years.
She was around three years old and lived just down the street from Dupius Market.
Her Mom, (my Aunt) had taken her soother away and she was peeved!.
She pranced down to the market, found a pacifier that pleased her and
placed it on the counter.
Mr Dupius laughed seeing the toddler and knowing that she had made tracks
from her Mother, got on the phone to call and inform her of her Daughters
pacifier withdrawal.
I still laugh thinking about that, could you imagine a three year old child
doing that now?
I swell with pride when I visit the ole Stop and I can't think of one place
on earth I would have rather been raised in.  :)

My back is bugging me and I do need to dive into this day so I'll leave these
lines with the song I mentioned earlier, it sounds like home to me.
P.S We never locked our doors then and if we lived there now, we still wouldn't.
Thanks for reading what's on my mind and may this day be marvelous for you!


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