Monday 14 May 2012

Wonderful Weekends.....

Don't you wish they all could be?
I sure do but won't spend an ounce of energy on wasteful wishing.
I will however hold in my heart the happiness I had in this past one.
I'm tickled to tell you that I'm typing this blog entry from the nest.
My Sister and her crew came down for the weekend and her awesome
Husband was able to get our Son's laptop back online!
They also helped my Hubby Bub assemble a bed for our youngest Son
and as always it was great to be able to spend time with them.
The three days we spent together has me even more excited than I was
before for our family vacation.

A friend of mine was over visiting Friday when my Sis and her crew came by.
I mostly entertained my company while the kids played together and the three
other adults took to setting up the bed.
I enjoyed hearing how my friends one year old Daughter was doing and it was
nice to be able to talk and enjoy each others company without her having to
tend to her tot.
I babysat this lady for years and seeing her with a child of her own makes my
blood pumper swell, much like the Grinch.
Her Daughter was sleeping out and I'm glad she didn't have plans when I invited
her for dinner and a sleep over.
If your interested, we had fish on the BBQ, baked potatoes and grilled veggies
with feta cheese.....delicious!
My Sister even helped out with that for a bit as well.
She is not only sunny and Superwoman like, she can multitask with the best of em.
I know I kinda beam about her a bit but if you could have seen (some of you have)
how I once treated her, you'd have a better understanding of why I'm so sweet
on her now.

Saturday Hubby Bub and I were state side while my Sis took all the kids out.
Apparently our youngest Son had her surprised when he held the steering wheel
one handed as he raced around the track in the go-cart.
Aidn comfortable with being a speed demon?, you don't say, Sis?...made me laugh.
We gathered around dinner time to have another delicious BBQ, this time at our
Mothers house.
There were burgers, hot dogs, spicy sausage, bean salad, fresh cut fruit, veggies
and also chips as well as birthday cake.
My Nephew will be turning twelve this week so cake was definitely in order.
We all sang of course and It was nice to see him happy with his gifts.
Our Mother, my Sister and I also received gifts.
My oldest Son got something for all three of us and I feel proud knowing that
we are all so important to him.
The gift he gave me was a fragrant five candle set that I am enjoying as I type.
My feet were sore from being on em all day and their ongoing issues so we left around 9pm.
I was also anxious to get our youngest in bed, more than once had he triggered
my temper and I couldn't wait for him to turn in for the night.

Sunday was spent at the nursing home with other branches in our family tree.
Meme slept a lot but once she opened her eyes and saw us all there, she started eating.
Even though she didn't say much, I still love having her here with us and thanked
the Big Guy once again for letting her linger on with the living.
We were all expecting rain for the day but we didn't see a drop.
The sunshine and temperature in the seventies helped all of us have a very happy
Mothers Day and I truly felt blessed by the end of it.

My moods been all over the place in the last week and I had a sour start
to this day.
It's taken me a few hours to finish this entry because of things I've had to do
around here but I'm pleased to let you know that I have indeed turned it around.
Think I'm gonna go celebrate with a bike ride and some sun soaks!
It's amazing what a few kind words from others and a good self talking to can do.
I'm already looking forward to the weekend and those of you that read what
I have to say online know why.....four more days!  :)
Thanks for reading what's on my mind and may this Monday be mayhem free
for you. 


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