Wednesday 13 June 2012

Nothin' At All.....

I'm happy to be reporting from the nest on this joyful June morning!
Okay that may have been a bit much.
Sometimes I make myself sick with my own sweet says, I'll put a sock in it for now.
I really don't have anything of importance to type about but I was feeling
full of fire and very frustrated when I went in search of slumber last night, so I
figured serving up sentences here may be helpful, it usually is.
Nothin' at all is what I felt like last night but I'm in a better way today.
What the heck was so bad about yesterday you might be asking?
Nothin' at all yet I found a way to fumble it up, I always do.
The sun was shining and I was in a well enough way but after a few minor
mistakes made by my Husband and children I let go of the handle I had on
my lid and lost it.

You see, I am one of those easily fired up fools that lets the little things in life
get to me.
I often find fault in how I release my feelings far to late and never seem to be
able to stifle myself before someones feelings get hurt.
Seriously, I could do far less damage if I could only remove my tongue in time.
It would be wonderful if I could somehow sew my mouth shut.
Think about it, no spitting sours and my shape would be a damn side slimmer! :)
Well until they come out with Velcro mouth straps, I'm gonna have to find a way
to silence myself when I'm steamed.
Today I will be doing many of the same things I did yesterday, like riding my bike,
playing outside with children and serving up supper for a few loved ones.
I vow to use wiser words and make the people in my life that matter, know about it!
Full of liveliness and love I'm feeling at this moment in time.
Gotta find a way to keep it close always.

One of the things I enjoyed most about yesterday was visiting with my Meme.
She will be 90 tomorrow and every time I am with her my mind grounds
wonder off in thoughts of what kind of woman she was before my memories of her.
Don't you think it would be wildly wonderful to be able to look back on ones
life like a film being projected or a play being performed by all the people
who made an appearance in it?
I would love to see the relationships she had before I came into her life.
She was in a well way and was able to eat all of her dinner with ease and
even spoke with her Daughter on the phone for a few minutes.
She doesn't do that often anymore and I always enjoy seeing her do things
she's always loved.
It amazes me at how little she has left in life yet how happy she is by just
seeing a loved one or hearing their voice.
She was still speaking about her beautiful birthday party this past Sunday and
it tickles me terrifically knowing I took part in it.
Later today I will kiss her with genuine love I never would have dreamed I'd
have for her if someone would have told me as such twenty years ago.
I'll plant one on her cheek and hug her gently while I state " I love you, my Memeness!"

Well this day is calling for my participation outside the computer screen, time
to dive on into it!
Thanks for reading what's on my mind, I know it's mixed up but I appreciate
your effort in trying to translate it.  :)
I'll leave a finely fitting tune that happens to share the cyber stage here with the
title of today's blog.

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