Monday 9 July 2012

Monday Morning.....

Well it is, so I may as well try and type something marvelous about it, could be
maddening though, this is Monday we are talking about but I shall attempt it.
The one thing I do like about Monday's is that they offer us all a clean slate
to start with.
Every new day does as well but Monday marks the start of a new week and
I guess that holds more weight with me.

I haven't even been out of the nest for an hour yet and my heart races over
thoughts of what today might have in store for me.
Like many others, my heart and mind make a mad dash at the start of most
days in anticipation of what's to come.
Never can I turn either off except when in slumber mode.
So it begins, are my kids behaving?, will I be able to sport a smile all day?,
will Hubby Bub be pleasant when he returns home?, will I loose any loved ones
today?, will I make good choices?, will I be kind and considerate to others or will I
throw a two year old tantrum and toss all caution to the wind?
I never know and often the moments that come and go are made good or bad by
my mood alone.
There it mood decides whether something ends up good or bad!
Fortunately I can swing from feelings like a monkey gliding through the trees,
one branch after another.
The downside to that is that my mood can destroy a perfectly decent day.
Emotions aren't always the best things in the world and when I was younger
I would fantasize about not having emotions.
You know, like Mr Spock on Star Trek?
Now that guy was cool as cubes and could solve any problem.
Why?, because he had no emotions!
I don't know if I could live in a world not feeling love but it sure would be a
darn side easier.

This past weekend went well enough and found me for the third one in a
row at my friend's house.
It's been so wonderful visiting with them while my children are away.
Hours and hours we spent just chatting, swimming and grazing on good food.
It was Hellfire hot on Friday when we pulled into her driveway and I couldn't wait
to jump in the pool.
We would have to be patient though as corn needed to be husked
and ribs needed to be prepared for our feast.
Once the food was ready for cooking we made our way to the water and
though it was warm and about twenty degrees more than I care for, it was
wet and welcomed after a dehydrating day.
After we dined on deliciousness we got back to splashing, laughing and
loving each others company.
Midnight rolled around and it was then we decided to swim in a
different body of water.
Lake Lady Erie had us in her and she was excellent in every way!
Where else can one enjoy cold and warm patches soothing your
skin with every step taken?
I love to get my gills wet in any water but I must say that it's more pleasurable
getting my mermaid on in a lake rather than a pool, hose or puddle.
Yes I have sat and splashed in puddles as an adult and I quite proudly
lay stake to that claim.
We spoke casually for most of the night but never one to leave anywhere
without showing my stupidity, I shook some of my old skeletons in her
face and then felt foolish for it afterwards.
I mentioned it the next morning and she was, as always, kind, considerate
and understanding.
There are many things I don't do well in life but I think I've done dandily in
picking friends.
I must find a way to do that in all areas. ;P

We are planning on another get together this Friday and I can't wait as I have
a surprise planned for her, her Husband, Son and his girlfriend.
Oh I do love getting excited to give others something of myself, come on Friday!
I would share in what the surprise is but that would spoil it for my friends if they
so choose to read here.
I'll let you know in a later blog though, it's not a big anything but I hope they
will enjoy it.
Well I should go and get to this day, it's a beauty.
I'll include a song made for today and a couple of pictures from the weekend.
Thanks for reading what's on my mind and may good things come your way today.


  1. Love our times together Ger! Can't wait 2 more sleeps :)

  2. Thank you so much for reading this Jenny.
    I can't wait to see your sweet smile again, Senorita! :)
    Also, I am very excited to give you your present!
