Wednesday, 30 November 2011

The Ties That Bind.....

After spending a wonderful night at the movies with my Hubby Bub
and Sons, this morning finds me thinking of other branches in my family tree.
Since my Uncle passed away over a month ago all kinds of anger and
animosity are amongst those I love.
It has me wondering how we can help each other get over the
stranglehold of sadness. 

It worries me that at a time when we so desperately need to serve support
and sensitivity for each other we are actually destroying the very
foundations we've been formed on and so proudly come from.
I am using the word "we" not because any of the problems plaguing
the family right now pertain to me or mine directly but as a reference
to how close I've always considered us.
Like some of you reading, I come from a long line of love, people who
have helped mold me into who I am today.
Last night as we laughed at the movie I was taken back to my childhood
and magical memories made with my Father and Sister.
I also thought of all my Aunts, Uncles and Cousins, back in a time
when we saw each other daily, laughed often and occasionally had dust ups
over the silliest things, never lasted long but boy are we passionate people.
So it doesn't surprise me that steam is stifling from the stove we've all stewed on.
It does bother me that we aren't working together in solving this problem but
it's a very personal struggle for those involved so I gather that's why we on the
outside seem to feel so helpless.
Confused yet?'ll go on in a different direction so for to not mix up your
minds to much.

The best things I left that theater with last night were feelings of fun and forgiveness.
Two of the finer things in life that we all need to fill our lives with. I think it's a safe
say so to state that we need to forgive more than can be forgotten.
Have it be a loved one, yourself, a coworker, the past, the present....
As far as fun goes I am always on the look out for it and glad I shared a few
hours of some with my Sir's last night.
My hopes for this day are held in the hearts of those I love that are hurting now.
May they mend soon and be able to forgive and have fun with each other once
again in the near future.

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