Monday, 30 April 2012

Make Nice Monday......

I hope it does because waking to rain wasn't so wonderful.
Actually it would be nice if it pours so we can see if the newly shingled
back side of our house will hold up.
Since my last blog things have been well enough around here.
Our Anniversary was awesome and I even had eye leaks over the card
Hubby and the kids gave me.
I did have a bit of turmoil on Thursday at my Doctors appointment.
He cut my calluses on the bottom of my feet and nicked the nerve on my right one.
It's healing now and I am in a  much better way,
I've always been a pansy in pain so for my families sake I'm glad it's past.

Over the weekend I spent some time thinking about the past.
Yes I know that it's not always a productive way of going about in
a day but sometimes it can't be helped. 
Besides, I was reminiscing in the right way, with fondness over
marvelous memories made.
Locked in my think tank were times I had nearly forgotten until then.
It was like a flood I tell ya.
Twenty-five and thirty years ago flying through the mind grounds.
All brought about by some pictures a Cousin put online.
I could instantly see a much thinner me running along the Lake Huron shoreline.
In one of the pictures you could even see my old mountain tent that held so
many magnificent memories of my childhood.
I also spent some time this weekend at one of my favorites places on earth.
Hubby and I were at our Aunt and Uncles house yesterday and I found a few
minutes here and there out by the lake.
It was a gorgeous day even though it was on the cooler side.
As I sat by the shore thinking of the wonderful times I've had at this house in the last
twenty-one years or so, I was filled with fine feelings over all the family members
who have enjoyed laughter and love with us there.
Yes I thanked the big guy while I was deep in thought.
I thanked him for many things yesterday as I'm doing now.

I want to let you all know how very much this blog has helped me lately.
As I type and reflect I give much thought to the words I lay in lines.
Never was I one to stop and think before speaking but when I type
it's something I do without much effort.
Thank you for giving me an audience to relay my feelings to.
It's been therapeutic and has even brought me belly shakes reading back
on some of my sentence says.
Every now and again I don't even understand what I've tried to say.

I also had some excitement yesterday.
Bought myself a ticket for the Rockin' Rodeo on the May 2-4 weekend.
It's official, Hubby and I will be going to see Dean Brody in concert!
Any of you who know me well, know how happy this makes me.
There is almost nothing in the world I look forward to more than Summer
concert season.

Much do I have to do in this day and I must get to it so I'll bid you all
farewell for now and leave you with a song from the singer I mentioned above.
Thanks for reading what's on my mind and may the remainder of this day
be fine for you.

Wednesday, 25 April 2012

Amazed That It's Endless.....

Last night before bedding down in the nest that's what came to mind.
You might be asking why, well simply put it's because Hubby Bub and
I have stayed together longer than most folks thought was possible.
Today marks our twentieth wedding anniversary!
I'm pretty excited about it all.
After all these years I can't believe he still wants to wake with me.
He asked me to marry him on a rainy day at the tip of Point Pelee.
Three and a half weeks later we were wed.
I had dreamed of the white dress and big reception but wasn't gonna
chance him changing his mind in the time it would take to attain those things.
There were only fifty of our closest family and fiends there but it sure
was a wonderful wedding.

Anyone who has known us for the long haul can tell you about
the troubles we've tripped through and of the laughter we still share.
My bicycle accident back in 2001 comes to mind when thinking
of a trying time.

I hadn't slept in a couple days and had little to eat that day.
Hubby was working days and headed for bed around 11pm.
My Father and oldest Son were sound asleep so I figured a round
of bingo would be good.
I let Hubby Bub know that I would be going to the 2am session and
he pleaded with me to stay home.
Never did he care for me being out without him after the streetlights
came on but I stubbornly stated I would be going, with or without
his approval. I really should have listened to him and stayed home.
The bingo went well and I walked out winning twice with a total of $45.00.
I had my watch on and the last thing I remember was noticing how many lights
can still be seen in apartment windows at four in the morning.
When I came to there were police officers and ambulance attendants
offering me their absolute attention.
Also, there were two older women standing off to the side.
My bike was thrown ten feet from me and I had no clue why I was covered
in blood and feeling bludgeoned.
I was later told that the two ladies standing there were in fact the ones
that found me and called the ambulance.
Almost eleven years later, I still thank God for those two angels.
I never did recollect what happened.
The best my think tank can come up with is one of two scenarios.
1. I was going on no sleep, little food and lots of coffee, a perfect storm
for me to have a seizure.
2. I was hit by a car and have no recollection of it.
Number one makes more sense to me because my bike wasn't damaged.
Must have been a hell of a wing ding though for it to have flung my bike ten feet.

At the hospital I was told my Husband was on his way in and I wished he
were there at that moment.
You know what they say, careful what you wish for!
I started getting sick while ridding to the hospital and wouldn't stop throwing up
for the next three days.
That awful feeling was nothing compared to how I felt when I saw the look on
my Husbands face walking through the doors.
Never before had I seen such rage in his eyes, it still makes me shiver thinking of it.
The right side of my face was unrecognizable and I expected sympathy
and sweetness.
He angrily asserted why he didn't want me out on my bike alone at night
and paced around the cubical while I puked in a pail.
Have you ever tried crying while getting sick and feeling as though someone
beat you with a ball bat?
Trust me folks it's no fun at all.
After a five day stay with a severe concussion I was able to go home and heal.
Thank goodness he had calmed down by then and I'm glad I was already in
the hospital when he saw me because that's surely were he would have put
me had I not been there already.
On the lighter side, in less than two months I would become pregnant
with our second Son. :)

I've shared a sour spot so I must also share a sweet one as well.
Years ago one fine April Fools day Hubby bub and I plotted a prank
on his coworkers.
A week or so before the big day he had brought in a picture of one of my
friends, on the back I had written words of sweetness and secrecy that were
seemingly her sentiments.
He told everyone at work that he had fallen in love with my friend and that
he was trying to figure out a way to tell me about it.
They all bought it and boy did we share big belly shakes over that one.
Just like my Father, I've always enjoyed April Fools Day.

Tonight we will be having a nice meal with our Sons.
Hubby will BBQ steaks while my oldest and I make breaded fried scallops.
After that we will retire to the nest and watch the movie About Last Night.
That's what we went to see on our first date back in 1986.
It's so wild thinking back through all the years, the good times and memories
we've made with our loved ones.
The births of our children, the times spent with our families, Summer nights
sleeping under the stars in each others arms.
Fishing competitions where we all came out winners once the catch of the day
was in our waistlines.
It has me feeling grateful for the gifts I'm given daily.
I think what amazes me most about our marriage is how attracted to each
other we still are.
I remember the first time I saw him walking down Elinor Street wondering
who that handsome hunk was.
After twenty years of marriage he still strums my heart strings.

I'll leave these lines with a couple pictures and our wedding song.
We picked it back when we first dated in 86 and I still feel it's sweetness so
many years later.
Thanks for reading what's on my mind and I hope this day finds you filled with
the fineness that can only be found in love.


Friday, 20 April 2012

Flock Of Families.....

That's what we were last night.
I previously posted about one of our Cousins coming
home for a visit with his Wife and brand new baby boy.
First, some of us met up at the nursing home so we could see
Meme with the baby.
No one enjoys a new life more than she does and it's truly
terrific to see her smiling when a wee one is near.
We didn't stay long because I wanted to go help set up for
the feast we were about to share.

We gathered at another Cousin's house and we all contributed something.
I spent sixteen hours this week making perogies for all of us to enjoy and
it did my blood pumper proudly to bring something to the party that people
are pleased with.

I was especially proud of our Cousin, the hostess.
This is the woman that lost her Father to Cancer last October and even
though she is still struggling daily with the loss, she opened her home
and heart to us all.
Thank you for doing that lady, I love you for many reasons but the most
recent ones came to light last night.
That we were all able to arrange our schedules on short notice and flock
with family for a few hours was wonderful and found me thanking the
big guy for helping us to make it happen.
Also, many thanks to everyone for a great get together! 

When I was asked to call everyone with details of our gathering
I vicariously volunteered.
Always happy to include everybody, I took it upon myself to call on
a Cousin that we don't often see.
She was very close with the guest of honor when he was growing up and
I knew that if she joined us it would make him and his Mother very happy.
Right I was in my assumption and I can't you how marvelous it made me
feel to make his Mother's eye's leak. 
She was surprised seeing so much effort from everyone in greeting
her Son, Daughter-In-Law and new Grandchild.
The sight of so many family members gathering together for them
just made the tears fall from her face.
Gravy to me, indeed!

I always look forward to spending time with the loved ones in my life but
when any of us gather as we age it fills me with gratitude for those I
proudly call my family.
So many magnificent memories of when we were growing up together.
Seeing them all with little lives they've created comforts me to know we still
share not only our past but the present and hopefully if it's in God's goodwill,
the future.

Today another Cousin (one of my closest friends) is forty-eight
and I'm making dinner in her honor.
I've invited the twenty others from last night over for Chicken Soo Gai and
have not the first clue who will show but I'm sure it'll be a swell time.
Pretty excited I am for it to begin.
Mainly because the birthday girl has been hit with hard times recently and
at the moment is in the middle of car woes.
Never nice to go through when the cash flow is low.
I wasn't close with her growing up, mainly because of the space
between our ages but she became one of my best friends when
she moved in next door to us about ten or so years back.
If  huge hearts were a big bucks bank account this lady would never have
another car complication.
It's been wonderful seeing so many folks I love lately, hope it continues.

This week has been a good one overall so far and I'm happy to type that
it's been productive and pleasant with only minor mayhem.
A busy day ahead I have so off to it I am!
I've added a couple pictures that do no justice to the joy it brought me
being there, part of it all.
Thanks for reading what's on my mind and may you hold happiness in your heart.


Thursday, 19 April 2012

Your First Name.......

You're probably thinking that's a pretty plain title for a blog entry.
Please give me a chance to slide some sentences before you
decide if it is or isn't. 
Our names are one of the things in life that we get absolutely
no say so in.
Some folks are so soured by their birth name that by the age of
eighteen they change it to something more agreeable to them.
That was true for me but I started insisting that people call me
Gerry-Lynn way before turning eighteen.
What's my birth name you may be wondering?, well, it's Gerene.
Pronounced like the end of tangerine.
I rather like it now and most people that know me outside of
my daily life think that's the only name I go by.
Like clothing styles though, I sport several different names.
Ger, Gerry-Lynn, Moon Beam, Moonie and of course Gerene.

When Hubby and I were trying to find the perfect name for our
first child we went back and forth with so many and even had
a few feuds over it.
After five months of vying for the name each of us wanted, we
decided on an incredibly Irish name, Liam.
Hubby tried hard to get me to agree with naming our first born after
him but there was no way I was going to add yet another William to
my family tree.
Our second Son was much easier to pick a name for.
Within the first few months of my pregnancy we agreed that the name
Aidn would be awesome.
Almost ten years later I know we made the right choice.
You see, his name means "fiery" and a more spark like soul I have not met yet. 
Yes I know we spell it screwy, I love that!
Not only are both our boys names Irish like my Hubby Bub's ancestry but
they also have the same amount of letters in their first and middle names.

My Father's Mother (Meme) hand picked mine.
She's told me ever since I was small that a beautiful woman's engagement picture
was in the local paper shortly before I was born and her name was Gerene.
I laugh a little when thinking about that because there was nothing I wanted
more in life than to get married.
How finely fitting is the name she picked for me.
Thank you Memeness!
Many nice things did she gift to me in life and my name was the first one.
Forty-one years later I love it now like I never have before.

Nicknames or as my oldest Son creatively called em, Nic-Knack-Names
are things that only some of us have.
Hubby gave me a couple years ago, Scary Gerry is the only one I can type about.
The other is foul and fully filthy, couldn't even begin to filter it here....hehehe
Both our Son's have Nick-Knack-Names.
Liam's is "Goose", which my Father graced him with.
Aidn's is "Gooma Looma"
It's creation is from a character in a video game that I always called Umah Gooma.
From that I came up with Gooma Looma
Do you know why you were given your name?
If any of you care to comment below with a reply, I would be
pleased to read about it.
Well I'm making perogies again today and I must get back to it.
I'l leave these lines with a song from someone I hope to see on
May 19 at the Rock'N' Rodeo here in my local land.
Thank you for reading what's on my mind and may this day be
a good one for you.

Wednesday, 18 April 2012

Down But Not Out.....

That's how I felt last night heading for the nest.
I had a good day and enjoyed cooking and then going to
see Meme at the nursing home.
She ate well and her spirits were sweet even though she was
a bit confused.
I had to laugh a little when my Hubby Bub walked in and she said he was handsome.
He is but I find it humorous that she always says so.
A few weeks back she even called him her Husband, I joked with her and said
"he's mine Meme, married him almost twenty years ago and I ain't ready
to let go of him yet".
As a matter of fact, one week from today is our big day!

After having a pleasant day perogy making, I was looking forward to our Sons
enjoying some of my efforts for supper.
I should have known that the day was going to well.
So why was I feeling down at the end of such a good day?

Our youngest usually has to be in by 7pm but his Father stepped in and
allowed him an extra half an hour.
Big mistake.
As you've probably already guessed, he is stubborn and the kind of
kid that takes a mile when given an inch of opportunity.
Hubby went to fetch him at 8pm and the little Lad actually had the nerve to tell
him "just a few more minutes Dad".
Never one to cause a scene, Hubs headed home alone.
I was miffed when he returned without our little fireball.
Was I going to let this child defy us?
Definitely not on my "hell no" highway! 
So off I went to change and charge after him, our oldest stopped me and
offered to go gather him instead.
I was thankful that he did as I had just made may way into my pajamas.
Moments later I could hear them in the driveway.
The young one asked,  "are Mom and Dad really mad at me?"

Soon as he stepped in the door I let him know that we were not only upset with his
poor choices but he would be sent to bed immediately and have to wait until
morning to collect the complete consequences.
Boy did that bug him, he begged for me to tell him as he didn't want to wake up with
worry over it through the night.
I had zero sympathy for him and sent him on his way.
While I was dealing with this, Hubby Bub was in our oldest Sons room and
came across an electronic screen thing that holds movies.
Not a big deal except it was found under his pillow.
When I returned downstairs he informed me that our Senior Son has been hiding
it for to watch at night after being sent to bed.
I defended our usually honest Son and claimed that he would never do such a
thing, he always leaves all his screens downstairs at bedtime.
I know this because I check every night.

This is when I was made to feel a fool.
Once shown the said screen I knew our Son had lied because I had never seen
that certain screen before and had no clue where it came from.
After taking away all his electronics and sending him to bed early, I retreated
to our nest for the inevitable.
We argued and both felt badly when we finally searched for slumber.
I was woeful  knowing it would be me that would have to deal with them
both in the morning.

Thinking back to twenty years ago when we were trying so very hard to
conceive a child, makes me laugh at how easy we thought it all would be.
We were convinced that we would make all the right choices and it would be
easy, enjoyable and entertaining.....haha, Fools were we, indeed.
Yup even I have had times in life where I thought I knew everything
on certain subjects.
Funny thing it is, learning while you're just going along living life.
I claim otherwise now, like Sergeant Schultz of Hogan's Hero's, "I See Nothing, I Know Nothing"
Happy I am in this day  to still be struggling with stressful situations of several sorts.
I may not always feel this way and surely don't when in a war of words with
loved ones but I think what's important to me is that I feel it at all after times like
last night.

Thanks for reading what's on my mind and may this day be a decent one for us all.
The clip is for all the older folks who remember......

Tuesday, 17 April 2012

Down To The Dough Of It......

That seemed like a fitting title for what I can be found doing in this day.
I'm making perogies and so far it's going well.
Music plays as I bounce and bop about, I feel good in doing something constructive.
Soon will Cousins be coming from further north for a visit and they will be bringing
their new baby with them, I so can't wait to see them!
Hopefully many of my family members will be able to gather with them and enjoy
some of my efforts from today.

A little guy close to my blood pumper turned three yesterday and we enjoyed
a party, pizza and the best thing, watching him open his presents.
Actually I may have enjoyed the sight of anticipation on his face prior to
the presents even more!
Many of my Cousins and their families were there and it was wonderful to get
together with them for a pleasant visit.
It felt super to smile and share laughter with all of them again.
Of course this makes me want our upcoming family vacation to be here tomorrow
and as we headed for home, my mind raced around ideas for July.
I also was able to try something new last night, my Cousin was gifted some
elk kielbasa and we were all offered some....excellent!
He even gave us a piece to take home, think I'll have some with my lunch.
My Hubby Bub and some of the other men entertained themselves with big
hunting discussions.
It always brings a smile to my face and makes me laugh about how intensely 
they are all into it, I remember feeling the same way about archery and hunting
in my childhood.
Of course that slanted statement doesn't apply when deer season is upon
us, then they just make me nutso-mutso!

Our youngest just came home for lunch and was full of questions and
curiosity, as he usually is.
His mind is inquisitive over the latest news headlines around here
and he wants to know why a nineteen year old would want to kill their
family members.
I found it difficult to explain to a nine year old why anyone would do
something so horridly horrific.
How the heck do I know why one would want to end another persons life?
I quickly diverted the conversation to something sweeter and also
of his interest lately.
Soccer played with school friends is an enjoyable activity he partakes in so
we spoke of that while he ate his lunch.
He deposited his dishes in the sink and stated love for me as he scooted
out the door.
Anxious he was to get back to the big game at hand.
I returned sweet says, wishing him well in the afternoon ahead and reminded him to
listen and behave, he frequently needs to be reminded about acceptable behavior
and good choices.

Well I must get back to perogy pinching and whatever the rest of this day has
in store for me.
Thank you for reading what's on my mind and may you feel the blessings from
life's lovely little moments.

Friday, 13 April 2012

Theraputic Thinking.....

Is there such a thing?
If there isn't then I'm starting a movement!
Sitting here with my coffee, contemplations and consciousness all
coinciding, the conclusion was this title.
Lately it feels like I have been doing a lot of  "Therapeutic Thinking" and I
gather it's been beneficial for not just myself but those around me as well.
I've been testing out the waters of provoking the positive by changing my
thought direction.
Sometimes it's not simple or successful but it sure has helped to swat away sorrow.
People have been telling me for years that if you change your outlook in life
you can also change the outcome.
I always thought that was bull filled until recently.
Does this mean that once you change your negative thoughts and
actions that sadness will never seep into your self ever again?....not a chance!
Of course we all have days that are just downers but if you're able
to accept a bad day as just that instead of snowballing it like I always have,
then you can leave your mind open for some positive playback.
What I've gotten from it is that I have an easier time letting go of things and
it's helped me to focus on how to move forward with sunnier steps.
Leaving the nest this morning I was still holding the happiness from yesterday
and after kissing our youngest Son good morning I knew the day was off to
a sweet start.

Last night we enjoyed a nice meal that found all of us at the table.
I'm not usually one that eats on a schedule and can often be found
serving everyone else while just picking at food instead of making
a plate and sitting down to eat.
I always make certain the boys and Hubby Bub sit at the kitchen table
but I rarely do the same.(bad Mom, I know)
I made breaded pork tenderloin, mashed potatoes, applesauce and canned corn.
Our kids ate everything and wanted seconds, that truly pleases my blood pumper.
Later in the evening Hubby Bub and I watched a movie that I plan on watching
again with our Sons.
It was called Moondance Alexander,  those of you that know me can probably
guess that I was tickled by the title alone.
It was the story of a teenage girl who is teased and made to feel out of place
in the world.
Something I could completely relate to.
Before the movie was five minutes in my eyes were leaking over the sour souls
Moondance had the misfortune of having in her life.
She stumbled upon a horse that got loose from it's stable and from there the story
just got better and brighter.
It had a whole Disney family movie feel which I don't usually dig but this one
was dandily done.
More than once did my mouth make like a marathon in miles, we had go back
and watch things that were missed because of my diligent distracting.
I certainly didn't intend to be such an interruption but when horses and teen troubles
are talked about, I just can't stay silent.
I babbled on about the saddles used, the horse blankets, bridles and bit.
It's because of my life long love over the magnificent, majestic, maned ones.
I mentioned in a previous blog entry that my Father worked at Big Horn Saddles
and I've retained everything he taught me.
I gather my Hubby Bub would have been happier if he would have taught me
about Mimes instead......hehehe

Well I must be getting to the day at hand, just felt like blogging this morning.
I hope it wasn't to boring for you.
Thanks for reading what's on my mind and may this day find you well and wonderful!


Thursday, 12 April 2012

A Whole Lotta Happy!.....

(drafted at 11am and posted now)
In a well wordy way that perfectly describes how I feel today.
If only we could somehow bottle this emotion and take swigs
of it whenever we are in need of some happiness.
I don't know about anyone else but I am certainly someone that
soars or sinks depending on the mood of those around me.
Life here for the last two days has been terrific and
the are several small reasons for it.

The boys have been getting along and I haven't received a note
or call from the school saying that our youngest has been difficult
or disruptive.
Our oldest is plotting out vacation plans and has been helpful
around the house.
Hubby Bub hurt his back not long ago and that seems to be on the
muscle mend and his mood has been marvelous lately.
We have sun in store for this day and the next.
The start of Summer for me is always the May 2-4 weekend and
it's only thirty-seven days away!
I still have all the people I love in my life at the start of this day and
hopefully it's in God's grand plan to keep them that way for a long time.
Mind you, I'm only six hours in since opening my eyes but I'm full of
optimism and opportunities are all around me.  
Oh and did I mention, Spaghetti and tomato juice is on the stove for lunch.
Thanks big guy, I owe you always.

Before someone steps out of Cyberspace to slug me for sweetness said,
I'm gonna sentence swing in another direction here folks.

Last night before retiring to the nest I checked my e-mail, read at a couple
music sights then found myself at facebook scrolling status say so's.
One particular persons page made me crack up and feel reminiscent
over the music of my youth.
This fb Friend wasn't around for forty days, gave fb up for lent!
I love that largely and he sure was missed.
He and his friends are always comical to read from even though I don't
know any of them personally.
Last night my friend made mention of Billy Squier and if you know who
that is then you can imagine what some of the comments laid there were.
I was all out cracking up reading posts between my Friend and some
of his friends.
It was then I realized how simple little stuff like that always makes me smile.
Thanks Sir and you're friends too, I've missed reading your say so's and
just wanted to state it.
Please pass along my thanks to them as well.
Oh and it just so happens that Mr Squier's birthday is one month from today. :P

Well I've parked my backside for long enough, time to get out and do something
in the sunshine that surrounds me.
Thank you for reading what's on my mind and may the remainder of this day be
marvelous for you!

I just have to add my two favorite Billy Squier song here. :)

Tuesday, 10 April 2012

Easter Excellence.....

We had our fair share of it this year even though it started out sadly.
A family friend and neibour was found dead in his home by our Uncle.
As we greeted him on Easter Sunday he told us of how the horrible
image hasn't left his head, they have been friends for my whole lifetime
and it's sad to know that we must say goodbye to another loved one.

Like most recent years, we all gathered at the nursing home to celebrate
with the head of our family, "Meme".
I've mentioned her here before and will do so again today.
She'll be 90 soon and though she's not the spitfire she once was, inside
she's still the Mother we all love.
Her face lights up whenever babies or little ones are around and Sunday was
evidence of that.
We enjoyed a lovely lunch which some of us prepared and those who didn't
contribute this time did later at dinner.
There was ham, salads, baked beans and dinner buns.
Meme liked it more than anyone though I gather because she ate none stop
from just before 1pm until 3pm.
When our Aunt would be to slow in feeding her she would point to what she
wanted next and wait with an open mouth for it.
At one point she asked me "when are we going to put out the door prizes?"
I laughed a little knowing that she meant when are we gonna give the kids their
Easter gifts.
It was wonderful seeing everyone again and after we said our goodbyes there,
we all gathered at one of our Cousins for dinner.
My Cousin is a cook and always does excellent with any edible efforts but
this time my mouth is still watering two days later.
He baked whole Halibut and made a hollandaise like wine sauce to slather on top.
Heaven in my mouth I tell ya.
My Cousin, her Fiance and her Mother also contributed to the fine feast, there
was turkey, ham, stuffing, green bean casserole, sweet potatoes swimming in
brown sugar, mashed potatoes and of course gravy.
Anyone who knows me well can attest to the fact that I am a gravy connoisseur
and my Aunt makes the best that's ever been in my belly.
The only thing better than the fantastic food we shared is the time in which
we were given to enjoy it with each other.
The older I get the more I cherish each minute I am gifted with any of them.
Remember my blog entry about the dog getting hit by the van?
Well it was at their house that we had Easter dinner and true to my bad luck form
as I was doing dishes I broke their sink faucet, yup, first I break their dog and
then their kitchen sink.
No fear for me though,  my Hubby Bub was there to save my shame!
He went home to fetch a spare faucet he had sitting around in the garage.
It didn't fit but we were invited back the following night for dinner and he offered
to put in a new one that they would purchase the next day.

Last night we went back and shared left overs that were just as delicious the
day before.
After a few frustrations Hubby Bub was able to replace the faucet, relax and enjoy
the company of everyone.
While the kids were all outside playing their oldest Son was hurt and cut on the head.
Once his Mom got him cleaned up and gave him some Mommy love he was well again.
We all decided to go outside and though it was windy and a bit chilly we were able
to enjoy a small fire in their new portable fire pit.
Another Cousin and his Wife came by to join us and I poked fun at him about how
we all had our kids there but they had the nerve to show up without their one
and a half year old little butterball.....the nerve of them!
The search was on for some nice sticks and soon marshmallows were being munched down.
It was fun laughing, talking and tossing about ideas for our upcoming family vacation.
I would love to go into detail here about some of our conversation but it would
only spoil the fun for us scheming few that have wheels turning upstairs over things we're plotting.
Oh no, I've said to much now, I'm sure I'll pay for that...hehehe

Though I would have liked to stay longer, we left around 8:30 because the kids
had school in the morning and  I don't mess with the sleep schedule during the school week.
Our Sons were not pleased by this but did as they were told and said their
thank yous and so longs.
Later that night as we retired to the nest I had thoughts of how lucky I truly am in
life to not only have such a wonderful family but how fabulous it is that we all want
to spend time with each other.
I know folks that can't say the same thing with some of the branches in their
family tree.
I consider myself beyond blessed being able to share a good relationship with
everyone in my family.
How sad it must feel to want to spend time with someone you love and be forced to
face that they don't feel the same way.
I pray that I never have to feel that with anyone in my bunch of branches.

I'm gonna leave these lines with a song that's fitting for my feelings
and a few photos from this past weekend.
Thanks for reading what's on my mind and may you experience excellence today! 


Wednesday, 4 April 2012

Archers Paradox......

As I left the nest this morning and made my way in getting
the boys up for school, old archery days came to mind.
Archers Paradox is a term used to describe the phenomenon in which
a target cannot be hit by shooting straight on, an arrow must be
aimed slightly to either side of the target depending on if you're a
right or left shooter in order to hit the target in the center.
I won't go into any further detail about archery as I know some of you
will be beyond bored with my excitement over it.
I will however tell you about how I got into it.....

As a young girl my Father was always doing things outdoor with my Sister and I.
He would take us fishing and hunting with him and once we showed interest in these
things he would purchase the proper equipment for us so we could become more involved.
I took to archery right away while my Sister was more into floor hockey and fishing.
Never will I forget my first bow, a plastic red Bear bow.
It was with that I gained my true taste and love for the outdoors.
Though I haven't been out hunting since my teenage years, those mornings
of solitude and the snow covered ground searching for rabbit trails still bring me back
to some of the sweetest memories in my life.

I soon took to target shooting in archery and my Father signed me up for Monday
night classes at the Forest Glade Community Center.
This would prove to be fruitful for my lack of self esteem and confidence.
It's in those classes I learned how to keep trying even when you don't
believe in your own abilities.
Daddy bought me a professional bow from a man who was a well known archer
and it was gorgeous!
Off white with a mother of pearl grip, I still have it but it was broken many years ago
by someone I won't make mention of here.
Our teachers name was Alex and he was a firm but caring older English gentleman.
Man, I was awful when the classes first started but with many hours of practice and
persistence I got much better and started competing within the region.
There was a Fella in my class that I took a liking to for a couple reasons.
He was the best shooter in the class and by far cuter than any of the other guys I
knew in my neighbourhood or at school.
He seemed cocky and sure of himself, I envied that.
He had wild curly hair and a long, large nose.
(yup, I'm the oddball girl that likes big noses)
I got it in my head that I would have to beat him and take first place to gain his attention.
Though I came close with a second place trophy from one of our competitions
it never did get me any closer to him.
I was certain that I would win that one and was heart broken when I didn't.
Shortly after that, sadly I quit and never got back into it.

Now that I'm older and have a Son that is into anything outdoors I am seriously
thinking about getting him and myself a bow so I can teach him about one of the
few things I have some knowledge on.
My Son's often ask me about my days in archery and it's something I would like to
teach them about.

This one I will leave short and sweet because much do I have to do around here.
I don't have a picture of my bow but I will include one of me from those days,
Thank you for reading what's on my mind and may this day be a beautiful
one for you!