Wednesday 25 April 2012

Amazed That It's Endless.....

Last night before bedding down in the nest that's what came to mind.
You might be asking why, well simply put it's because Hubby Bub and
I have stayed together longer than most folks thought was possible.
Today marks our twentieth wedding anniversary!
I'm pretty excited about it all.
After all these years I can't believe he still wants to wake with me.
He asked me to marry him on a rainy day at the tip of Point Pelee.
Three and a half weeks later we were wed.
I had dreamed of the white dress and big reception but wasn't gonna
chance him changing his mind in the time it would take to attain those things.
There were only fifty of our closest family and fiends there but it sure
was a wonderful wedding.

Anyone who has known us for the long haul can tell you about
the troubles we've tripped through and of the laughter we still share.
My bicycle accident back in 2001 comes to mind when thinking
of a trying time.

I hadn't slept in a couple days and had little to eat that day.
Hubby was working days and headed for bed around 11pm.
My Father and oldest Son were sound asleep so I figured a round
of bingo would be good.
I let Hubby Bub know that I would be going to the 2am session and
he pleaded with me to stay home.
Never did he care for me being out without him after the streetlights
came on but I stubbornly stated I would be going, with or without
his approval. I really should have listened to him and stayed home.
The bingo went well and I walked out winning twice with a total of $45.00.
I had my watch on and the last thing I remember was noticing how many lights
can still be seen in apartment windows at four in the morning.
When I came to there were police officers and ambulance attendants
offering me their absolute attention.
Also, there were two older women standing off to the side.
My bike was thrown ten feet from me and I had no clue why I was covered
in blood and feeling bludgeoned.
I was later told that the two ladies standing there were in fact the ones
that found me and called the ambulance.
Almost eleven years later, I still thank God for those two angels.
I never did recollect what happened.
The best my think tank can come up with is one of two scenarios.
1. I was going on no sleep, little food and lots of coffee, a perfect storm
for me to have a seizure.
2. I was hit by a car and have no recollection of it.
Number one makes more sense to me because my bike wasn't damaged.
Must have been a hell of a wing ding though for it to have flung my bike ten feet.

At the hospital I was told my Husband was on his way in and I wished he
were there at that moment.
You know what they say, careful what you wish for!
I started getting sick while ridding to the hospital and wouldn't stop throwing up
for the next three days.
That awful feeling was nothing compared to how I felt when I saw the look on
my Husbands face walking through the doors.
Never before had I seen such rage in his eyes, it still makes me shiver thinking of it.
The right side of my face was unrecognizable and I expected sympathy
and sweetness.
He angrily asserted why he didn't want me out on my bike alone at night
and paced around the cubical while I puked in a pail.
Have you ever tried crying while getting sick and feeling as though someone
beat you with a ball bat?
Trust me folks it's no fun at all.
After a five day stay with a severe concussion I was able to go home and heal.
Thank goodness he had calmed down by then and I'm glad I was already in
the hospital when he saw me because that's surely were he would have put
me had I not been there already.
On the lighter side, in less than two months I would become pregnant
with our second Son. :)

I've shared a sour spot so I must also share a sweet one as well.
Years ago one fine April Fools day Hubby bub and I plotted a prank
on his coworkers.
A week or so before the big day he had brought in a picture of one of my
friends, on the back I had written words of sweetness and secrecy that were
seemingly her sentiments.
He told everyone at work that he had fallen in love with my friend and that
he was trying to figure out a way to tell me about it.
They all bought it and boy did we share big belly shakes over that one.
Just like my Father, I've always enjoyed April Fools Day.

Tonight we will be having a nice meal with our Sons.
Hubby will BBQ steaks while my oldest and I make breaded fried scallops.
After that we will retire to the nest and watch the movie About Last Night.
That's what we went to see on our first date back in 1986.
It's so wild thinking back through all the years, the good times and memories
we've made with our loved ones.
The births of our children, the times spent with our families, Summer nights
sleeping under the stars in each others arms.
Fishing competitions where we all came out winners once the catch of the day
was in our waistlines.
It has me feeling grateful for the gifts I'm given daily.
I think what amazes me most about our marriage is how attracted to each
other we still are.
I remember the first time I saw him walking down Elinor Street wondering
who that handsome hunk was.
After twenty years of marriage he still strums my heart strings.

I'll leave these lines with a couple pictures and our wedding song.
We picked it back when we first dated in 86 and I still feel it's sweetness so
many years later.
Thanks for reading what's on my mind and I hope this day finds you filled with
the fineness that can only be found in love.


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