Thursday 12 April 2012

A Whole Lotta Happy!.....

(drafted at 11am and posted now)
In a well wordy way that perfectly describes how I feel today.
If only we could somehow bottle this emotion and take swigs
of it whenever we are in need of some happiness.
I don't know about anyone else but I am certainly someone that
soars or sinks depending on the mood of those around me.
Life here for the last two days has been terrific and
the are several small reasons for it.

The boys have been getting along and I haven't received a note
or call from the school saying that our youngest has been difficult
or disruptive.
Our oldest is plotting out vacation plans and has been helpful
around the house.
Hubby Bub hurt his back not long ago and that seems to be on the
muscle mend and his mood has been marvelous lately.
We have sun in store for this day and the next.
The start of Summer for me is always the May 2-4 weekend and
it's only thirty-seven days away!
I still have all the people I love in my life at the start of this day and
hopefully it's in God's grand plan to keep them that way for a long time.
Mind you, I'm only six hours in since opening my eyes but I'm full of
optimism and opportunities are all around me.  
Oh and did I mention, Spaghetti and tomato juice is on the stove for lunch.
Thanks big guy, I owe you always.

Before someone steps out of Cyberspace to slug me for sweetness said,
I'm gonna sentence swing in another direction here folks.

Last night before retiring to the nest I checked my e-mail, read at a couple
music sights then found myself at facebook scrolling status say so's.
One particular persons page made me crack up and feel reminiscent
over the music of my youth.
This fb Friend wasn't around for forty days, gave fb up for lent!
I love that largely and he sure was missed.
He and his friends are always comical to read from even though I don't
know any of them personally.
Last night my friend made mention of Billy Squier and if you know who
that is then you can imagine what some of the comments laid there were.
I was all out cracking up reading posts between my Friend and some
of his friends.
It was then I realized how simple little stuff like that always makes me smile.
Thanks Sir and you're friends too, I've missed reading your say so's and
just wanted to state it.
Please pass along my thanks to them as well.
Oh and it just so happens that Mr Squier's birthday is one month from today. :P

Well I've parked my backside for long enough, time to get out and do something
in the sunshine that surrounds me.
Thank you for reading what's on my mind and may the remainder of this day be
marvelous for you!

I just have to add my two favorite Billy Squier song here. :)

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