Thursday 19 April 2012

Your First Name.......

You're probably thinking that's a pretty plain title for a blog entry.
Please give me a chance to slide some sentences before you
decide if it is or isn't. 
Our names are one of the things in life that we get absolutely
no say so in.
Some folks are so soured by their birth name that by the age of
eighteen they change it to something more agreeable to them.
That was true for me but I started insisting that people call me
Gerry-Lynn way before turning eighteen.
What's my birth name you may be wondering?, well, it's Gerene.
Pronounced like the end of tangerine.
I rather like it now and most people that know me outside of
my daily life think that's the only name I go by.
Like clothing styles though, I sport several different names.
Ger, Gerry-Lynn, Moon Beam, Moonie and of course Gerene.

When Hubby and I were trying to find the perfect name for our
first child we went back and forth with so many and even had
a few feuds over it.
After five months of vying for the name each of us wanted, we
decided on an incredibly Irish name, Liam.
Hubby tried hard to get me to agree with naming our first born after
him but there was no way I was going to add yet another William to
my family tree.
Our second Son was much easier to pick a name for.
Within the first few months of my pregnancy we agreed that the name
Aidn would be awesome.
Almost ten years later I know we made the right choice.
You see, his name means "fiery" and a more spark like soul I have not met yet. 
Yes I know we spell it screwy, I love that!
Not only are both our boys names Irish like my Hubby Bub's ancestry but
they also have the same amount of letters in their first and middle names.

My Father's Mother (Meme) hand picked mine.
She's told me ever since I was small that a beautiful woman's engagement picture
was in the local paper shortly before I was born and her name was Gerene.
I laugh a little when thinking about that because there was nothing I wanted
more in life than to get married.
How finely fitting is the name she picked for me.
Thank you Memeness!
Many nice things did she gift to me in life and my name was the first one.
Forty-one years later I love it now like I never have before.

Nicknames or as my oldest Son creatively called em, Nic-Knack-Names
are things that only some of us have.
Hubby gave me a couple years ago, Scary Gerry is the only one I can type about.
The other is foul and fully filthy, couldn't even begin to filter it here....hehehe
Both our Son's have Nick-Knack-Names.
Liam's is "Goose", which my Father graced him with.
Aidn's is "Gooma Looma"
It's creation is from a character in a video game that I always called Umah Gooma.
From that I came up with Gooma Looma
Do you know why you were given your name?
If any of you care to comment below with a reply, I would be
pleased to read about it.
Well I'm making perogies again today and I must get back to it.
I'l leave these lines with a song from someone I hope to see on
May 19 at the Rock'N' Rodeo here in my local land.
Thank you for reading what's on my mind and may this day be
a good one for you.


  1. My give first name (Helon) was a family name. My great-great grandmother named my great grandmother Helon Mildred. My grandmother was Tommie Helon, my mom Helon Regina and I am Helon Michelle. None of us have ever gone by Helon - my grandmother's family used so her name didn't sound like a boy's name. My mom told me that she just liked Michelle. Plus, in the late 60s early 70s everyone was naming their kids Michelle or Michael. Nicknames... My Ms. M name came from my name on an airline ticket when I was a kid. My grandmother started calling me that and it stuck. My sister calls me Mel because she couldn't say Michelle when she was little. My friends in school called me "Mich". My latest is one is "Nani" - from my niece. Not sure how she came up with it, but it's what they call me now. :) There's my story, Moonie! Hugs, Ms. M

  2. Thanks for replying Ms.M I learned something knew about you reading your lines laid here.
    Never did I know that your first name is Helon.
    I like how it's spelled. :)
