Friday 13 April 2012

Theraputic Thinking.....

Is there such a thing?
If there isn't then I'm starting a movement!
Sitting here with my coffee, contemplations and consciousness all
coinciding, the conclusion was this title.
Lately it feels like I have been doing a lot of  "Therapeutic Thinking" and I
gather it's been beneficial for not just myself but those around me as well.
I've been testing out the waters of provoking the positive by changing my
thought direction.
Sometimes it's not simple or successful but it sure has helped to swat away sorrow.
People have been telling me for years that if you change your outlook in life
you can also change the outcome.
I always thought that was bull filled until recently.
Does this mean that once you change your negative thoughts and
actions that sadness will never seep into your self ever again?....not a chance!
Of course we all have days that are just downers but if you're able
to accept a bad day as just that instead of snowballing it like I always have,
then you can leave your mind open for some positive playback.
What I've gotten from it is that I have an easier time letting go of things and
it's helped me to focus on how to move forward with sunnier steps.
Leaving the nest this morning I was still holding the happiness from yesterday
and after kissing our youngest Son good morning I knew the day was off to
a sweet start.

Last night we enjoyed a nice meal that found all of us at the table.
I'm not usually one that eats on a schedule and can often be found
serving everyone else while just picking at food instead of making
a plate and sitting down to eat.
I always make certain the boys and Hubby Bub sit at the kitchen table
but I rarely do the same.(bad Mom, I know)
I made breaded pork tenderloin, mashed potatoes, applesauce and canned corn.
Our kids ate everything and wanted seconds, that truly pleases my blood pumper.
Later in the evening Hubby Bub and I watched a movie that I plan on watching
again with our Sons.
It was called Moondance Alexander,  those of you that know me can probably
guess that I was tickled by the title alone.
It was the story of a teenage girl who is teased and made to feel out of place
in the world.
Something I could completely relate to.
Before the movie was five minutes in my eyes were leaking over the sour souls
Moondance had the misfortune of having in her life.
She stumbled upon a horse that got loose from it's stable and from there the story
just got better and brighter.
It had a whole Disney family movie feel which I don't usually dig but this one
was dandily done.
More than once did my mouth make like a marathon in miles, we had go back
and watch things that were missed because of my diligent distracting.
I certainly didn't intend to be such an interruption but when horses and teen troubles
are talked about, I just can't stay silent.
I babbled on about the saddles used, the horse blankets, bridles and bit.
It's because of my life long love over the magnificent, majestic, maned ones.
I mentioned in a previous blog entry that my Father worked at Big Horn Saddles
and I've retained everything he taught me.
I gather my Hubby Bub would have been happier if he would have taught me
about Mimes instead......hehehe

Well I must be getting to the day at hand, just felt like blogging this morning.
I hope it wasn't to boring for you.
Thanks for reading what's on my mind and may this day find you well and wonderful!


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