Well it's that time again.
The time when an old year passes and a new one begins.
I've never been a person to make New Years resolutions but
I'm downright determined to make extra efforts in 2013.
Also, I'm fairly certain I will say sayonara to some sourness I've
been sucking on in 2012.
This past year has done well by me and most of my loved ones.
Really, how can any of us complain when we've been gifted
another year of life in this planet we're playing on?
I know that I've done my share of spitting sours and have no
reason for it considering how others suffer.
One only needs to think of the recent deaths of those children
and staff members at that school.
The horrific hurt their family and friends must feel.
Young lives not left to live on or have the chance to live at all.
I won't slide many sentences about it because it's been talked
about everywhere but I will state that it's still much on my mind grounds.
I vow to think off them when things seem shadowy for me.
If for no other reason than to realize we are indeed lucky to live
with the struggles we share, no one snuffed out our lives senselessly.
That's all I have to say about that.
I hope all of you had a happy Christmas and were able to indulge in
and enjoy many of your favorite things, I sure did.
A couple days before Jesus's Big Day, my Uncle hosted two parties
for family and friends.
The first was for our children and was a big success.
The second was for all of the adults and went wonderfully.
I'm hoping these parties become a tradition because they sure were
a blast for all who attended.
Thanks Uncle Tooker, take a bow you did dandily and we all appreciate it!
The next get together would find my Sis, her kids and my crew at our
Mother's house.
Though I envisioned an enormous explosion, it was a very nice night
and we all had an excellent evening.
The eruption would come from yours truly on Christmas day.
I'll get to that soonly but right now I want to focus on the piddly pride
I have over my efforts.
You see, for much of my life, having a happy relationship with my Mother
has not been my experience and recently I have been harbouring heaps
of harshness towards her.
Christmas Eve I didn't let it consume me and because of that, I enjoyed the
time spent with everyone.
Now why in the name of Nativity scenes was I not able to do that the
following evening?
I'm getting to it, got some praising I have to place here first.
Usually we have the traditional turkey dinner at Mom's but this year my Sister
asked if we could partake in Prime Rib that she so generously offered to
buy and prepare.
A big ole "Yay!" she got from me upon her request and from the waistlines of
everyone who enjoyed the feast.
Thank you Julie!, as always when you cook, it was pleasing perfection
to our pampered palates.
Christmas morning held some of my favorite moments.
We were hoping to be looking forward to the excited expressions on both
our Son's faces but the bow we ordered for Liam didn't arrive in time so
it was all on Aidn to deliver in excitement.
We did wrap a gag gift for our oldest though, a plastic kids bow.
Hubby Bub papered it all up in a big box like his Brother's was in and when he
opened it and we explained the situation, he sported smiles and took it swell.
Thank you Liam, I'm proud of how you reacted and you sure made us feel better.
Our youngest was also given a bow but the real kind, a not to shabby compound,
I might add.
He was so happy and excitable upon seeing it, dancing and bouncing about.
Those moments are ones we all enjoy, I'd say.
You'd think the memory of those moments would have stuck and been useful
later in the day,
I'd like to say that they did but I can't.
I plowed over any pleasantries with persistent pessimism.
Almost there, please have patience with me.
After my Husband left for work the boys entertained themselves with
their new everythings and I headed back to the nest for a Seasons Greetings Siesta.
After lunch we would join the other branches in our bunch at the nursing home
to spend time with the family head, Memeness.
She is ninety now and I don't know how much of the time registers in her think tank
anymore but I sure do love being around her with everyone.
She started us all and I feel much pride and love over that.
Our Cousin even brought her little Teacup Chihuahua along and that kept
the kids entertained for much of the time.
Birthday cake was brought in to celebrate our Uncle's 66th birthday, he shares
it with Jesus you know.
I love that we all get to be with him on his big day, and hope he enjoyed his time
with us as much as we enjoyed ours, with him.
On to the tough typing....
After we left the nursing home it was time for the festive feast at our Cousin's place.
She has the perfect house to hold us all and lots of space for the kids to
bounce about in.
There was so much food and I couldn't wait to eat.
I must make mention of how the turkey was prepared.
A couple weeks ago on Facebook someone commented about deep fried turkey,
I replied that I had never had it and probably wouldn't be trying it because I wasn't
making the bird this year.
Well my thoughtful, kind Cousin saw those comments and decided to cook the
Christmas clucker that way.
I never imagined that it would taste so terrific, it's most certainly something I'm
hoping to have again in holidays to come.
There was also stuffing, mashed potatoes, sweet potatoes, perogies,
green bean casserole, gravy, buns, cheeses, pickles, olives and other things
that are surely skipping my mind.
I haven't even sentenced about the sweets that were set out, there was an
abundance of enticing edibles offered and I wish that I would have stayed to
shovel in some more.
Right before we all sat down to enjoy the delicious dinner, our youngest Son was
going wild in a rocking chair and though he was told to slow down, he ignored
everyone and ended up rocking over his three year old Cousin's toes.
I had heard people telling him to stop but my attention was held in the
conversation I was in.
Of course he was scolded by his Father and started to cry, that got me
right in his face.
Thinking back, I should have left it alone and let my Husband handle it.
Nope, not me, I can never let well enough alone and wait until later to deal
with things, black or white, now or never is most certainly me.
I was fuming that he had not listened.
Then his Brother threw himself into the situation and I discovered a
lie they had both been caught in.
My temper was brought to a boiling point.
It was one of those moments were a ton of everything gets unleashed and
hurt feelings are handed out.
Immediately afterward, my marvelous mood let guilt, shame and sadness step
in and there it stayed for the following two days.
Shortly after we ate I couldn't stop the eye leaks from flowing over what
had taken place and knew I couldn't stay and ruin everyone's Christmas.
Having loved ones see me like that and not being able to focus on anything
else even after they offered love and concern was just to hard to handle.
Sadly, I apologized and excused myself, leaving my Husband to answer
any questions about my absence.
I am not proud or happy with how I handled anything that night but find comfort
in the fact that I am willing to try and improve.
Well that's what Christmas included this year and I'm happy to state, it's good
to share more marvelous moments than miserable ones.
Overall it was all kinds of awesomeness and I'm grateful I was given the chance
to live it and enjoy my loved ones once again.
I must be getting busy now, it's our close friends anniversary today
and I have much preparation for the celebration!
Thanks for reading what's in the mind grounds and may the coming
New Year be filled with well health and happiness for you!
P.S I've included a few pictures and though Meme was a having
a short sleep, I'm still happy we snapped that shot.
Monday, 31 December 2012
Friday, 14 December 2012
Compound Coolness.....
That's what the think tank has been filled with since Wednesday night.
As I've mentioned in previous entries, we are arrowed into archery.
Wednesday night was my turn to shoot with our oldest Son and two
"firsts" took place.
1. Liam was "out shot" by his old Mom.
2. I shot a compound bow!
Though I'm always happy when our children do well in anything, it
was nice to see improvement in my own efforts.
Though I am no Robin Hood I have hopes of being able to compete
in the future.
Until Wednesday, I was very much undecided on what kind of bow
I would buy when we are able to purchase one.
Now, there is no question about it.
I am going with a compound all the way!
Before I slide anymore sentences here I just want to state that I am
in a well way today.
The last couple weeks have been hellish for me and I'm happy to have
a break from worry and woe.
I've now been clubbed by the Christmas Spirit and I'm glad it has a
hold on my heart.
This week I have spent time with three of my closest friends and it's
helped haul me from the hole I held myself in.
One gave me a ride home from the mall yesterday and I enjoyed having
a few minutes with her.
Just seeing her super smile and listening to what's being going on in her
world, did me dandily.
Another friend was kind enough to bring me to an ultra sound appointment
and came over for a few hours last Friday, we watched a movie and
feasted on Chinese food, always excellent to spend time with her.
Last night I had a long and lovely phone conversation with one of my
oldest friends.
We shared laughs, smiles, concern, questions, answers and a few frustrations.
I feel fabulously fortunate to have so many pleasant people in my life and
this morning finds me full of gratitude for them.
I'd also like to mention our first Christmas card this year.
Every year, faithfully, another old friend mails us seasonal sweet says.
I don't see this friend often and she never spells my name right even
after all these years but I love her anyway and it always pleases my
blood pumper to open that card.
Thank you to all of my friends and family, living life would be worthless
without all of you!
I'm sure everyone is aware of 12/12/12 that took place this week.
It held special meaning for me.
A friend/family member that I care completely about and have prayed
for constantly, turned forty two.
She wasn't certain that she would live to see it but she has and even though
I know she struggled with persistent, never ending pain, she sported a smile
and slung sunshine through cyberspace, words can't express how much
I love this woman.
If I could describe her in only one sentence so you all could understand
what I'm getting at, it would be, she lives life like taking a bull by the horns.
My one Christmas wish this year is that she is given many more years
to live out life in just that way.
Well this day is going on and I have things I need to do in it so I'll
leave the lines here and lay a couple pictures until my return.
In the one picture is our youngest "arrowing up".
In the second, a way back when pic of one of the friends I mentioned above.
Thanks for reading what's in the mind grounds and may this day deliver
decency to us all :)
As I've mentioned in previous entries, we are arrowed into archery.
Wednesday night was my turn to shoot with our oldest Son and two
"firsts" took place.
1. Liam was "out shot" by his old Mom.
2. I shot a compound bow!
Though I'm always happy when our children do well in anything, it
was nice to see improvement in my own efforts.
Though I am no Robin Hood I have hopes of being able to compete
in the future.
Until Wednesday, I was very much undecided on what kind of bow
I would buy when we are able to purchase one.
Now, there is no question about it.
I am going with a compound all the way!
Before I slide anymore sentences here I just want to state that I am
in a well way today.
The last couple weeks have been hellish for me and I'm happy to have
a break from worry and woe.
I've now been clubbed by the Christmas Spirit and I'm glad it has a
hold on my heart.
This week I have spent time with three of my closest friends and it's
helped haul me from the hole I held myself in.
One gave me a ride home from the mall yesterday and I enjoyed having
a few minutes with her.
Just seeing her super smile and listening to what's being going on in her
world, did me dandily.
Another friend was kind enough to bring me to an ultra sound appointment
and came over for a few hours last Friday, we watched a movie and
feasted on Chinese food, always excellent to spend time with her.
Last night I had a long and lovely phone conversation with one of my
oldest friends.
We shared laughs, smiles, concern, questions, answers and a few frustrations.
I feel fabulously fortunate to have so many pleasant people in my life and
this morning finds me full of gratitude for them.
I'd also like to mention our first Christmas card this year.
Every year, faithfully, another old friend mails us seasonal sweet says.
I don't see this friend often and she never spells my name right even
after all these years but I love her anyway and it always pleases my
blood pumper to open that card.
Thank you to all of my friends and family, living life would be worthless
without all of you!
I'm sure everyone is aware of 12/12/12 that took place this week.
It held special meaning for me.
A friend/family member that I care completely about and have prayed
for constantly, turned forty two.
She wasn't certain that she would live to see it but she has and even though
I know she struggled with persistent, never ending pain, she sported a smile
and slung sunshine through cyberspace, words can't express how much
I love this woman.
If I could describe her in only one sentence so you all could understand
what I'm getting at, it would be, she lives life like taking a bull by the horns.
My one Christmas wish this year is that she is given many more years
to live out life in just that way.
Well this day is going on and I have things I need to do in it so I'll
leave the lines here and lay a couple pictures until my return.
In the one picture is our youngest "arrowing up".
In the second, a way back when pic of one of the friends I mentioned above.
Thanks for reading what's in the mind grounds and may this day deliver
decency to us all :)
Thursday, 6 December 2012
As Long As I'm Singing.....
That right there is a sure sign of whether things are good or bad with me.
If I'm singing, all is wonderful, if I'm not then you can be certain
I'm not in a well way and may need help getting back to beautiful again.
There aren't many positive things I can state about myself .
However, at the end of a few rough days, I can say that I am a person
who cares about people and I have no problem asking or offering help
when needed.
I started this entry late last night and was to tired to type on so I'm
continuing it now.
Yesterday went well enough and we were happy to have some dinner
guests join us.
I didn't make anything extravagant, lasagna hamburger helper, mashed potatoes
(by request), steamed broccoli and beet & spinach salad.
We enjoyed the meal and each others company.
Today is the birthday of one of our guests from last night and I sure was
happy to be able to spend some time with her right before her big day.
Happy Birthday Space!, you helped brighten my day.
This morning I'm struggling my way out of a sad state.
Usually I don't dare offer an entry when I'm in such a low way but I've
been battling these emotions on and off for a few days and figured it was
time to due something about it.
My Sis helped me turn the light on and as always, I'm indebted to
her optimism.
To give you an idea of just how ugly I had become, here is what I posted
in cyberspace earlier.
"Moon Beam Gerene has the nails and hammer in hand and
is hard at work."
A friend asked what I was building?, I was so tempted to reply "I'm building the perfect beast" but didn't.
Maybe I should have, nah, this is a better way to get it out.
I was in fact in the middle of complete self crucifixion, hence the nails
and hammer crack.
Told ya I was ugly and that right there is proof of it!
In this moment I have my mind wrapped around something my Sis said
while we spoke on the phone.
"Come on Ger, you said this has been going on for three days, cheer up!,
we'll be there soon and we will have fun"
She's right, she's always right and I'm grateful to have her and so many
other smart, sweet, souls surround me.
Now why the hell am I swimming in sadness for?
I have more than I can use in life, always have what I need to survive and
am able to move freely.
Sometimes I believe I need a good slugging.
Tonight the boys and I will be making homemade pizza and then playing cards.
Today I am going to tend to some duties around here and go back to reading
The Spellman Files.
Maybe if motivation finds me I'll even get out on my bike. :)
Well I've done what I needed to do here so I'll leave you with a swell
song that has the same name as the title of this entry.
Thanks for reading what's been muddling around the mind grounds.
May this day deliver us kind and helpful to each other.
P.S Sorry there were no good links for the song on youtube.
As Long As I'm Singing.....
If I'm singing, all is wonderful, if I'm not then you can be certain
I'm not in a well way and may need help getting back to beautiful again.
There aren't many positive things I can state about myself .
However, at the end of a few rough days, I can say that I am a person
who cares about people and I have no problem asking or offering help
when needed.
I started this entry late last night and was to tired to type on so I'm
continuing it now.
Yesterday went well enough and we were happy to have some dinner
guests join us.
I didn't make anything extravagant, lasagna hamburger helper, mashed potatoes
(by request), steamed broccoli and beet & spinach salad.
We enjoyed the meal and each others company.
Today is the birthday of one of our guests from last night and I sure was
happy to be able to spend some time with her right before her big day.
Happy Birthday Space!, you helped brighten my day.
This morning I'm struggling my way out of a sad state.
Usually I don't dare offer an entry when I'm in such a low way but I've
been battling these emotions on and off for a few days and figured it was
time to due something about it.
My Sis helped me turn the light on and as always, I'm indebted to
her optimism.
To give you an idea of just how ugly I had become, here is what I posted
in cyberspace earlier.
"Moon Beam Gerene has the nails and hammer in hand and
is hard at work."
A friend asked what I was building?, I was so tempted to reply "I'm building the perfect beast" but didn't.
Maybe I should have, nah, this is a better way to get it out.
I was in fact in the middle of complete self crucifixion, hence the nails
and hammer crack.
Told ya I was ugly and that right there is proof of it!
In this moment I have my mind wrapped around something my Sis said
while we spoke on the phone.
"Come on Ger, you said this has been going on for three days, cheer up!,
we'll be there soon and we will have fun"
She's right, she's always right and I'm grateful to have her and so many
other smart, sweet, souls surround me.
Now why the hell am I swimming in sadness for?
I have more than I can use in life, always have what I need to survive and
am able to move freely.
Sometimes I believe I need a good slugging.
Tonight the boys and I will be making homemade pizza and then playing cards.
Today I am going to tend to some duties around here and go back to reading
The Spellman Files.
Maybe if motivation finds me I'll even get out on my bike. :)
Well I've done what I needed to do here so I'll leave you with a swell
song that has the same name as the title of this entry.
Thanks for reading what's been muddling around the mind grounds.
May this day deliver us kind and helpful to each other.
P.S Sorry there were no good links for the song on youtube.
As Long As I'm Singing.....
Monday, 26 November 2012
One Month From Today.....
One month from today will mark another passing of Christmas on the calendar.
A sad day for some and for others a joyful time of year.
When Boxing Day comes along it means only one thing to me, five more
months until The May 2-4 weekend and the kick off of Summer.
That's right!, there is just no bad time to start thinking about the speedy season.
Though I haven't yet been clutched in Christmas's clench, I am looking forward
to being with all my loved ones on Jesus's big day.
I'm also anxious to give our Son's their gifts, I'd love to share what they are but
my oldest occasionally has eyes on my entries here so silent I must stay.
I will say, tonight we go pick up our youngest Son's gift and hopefully he'll be as
happy receiving it as we are to be giving it.
I've really nothing very exciting or life changing to tell you of but that suits me swelly.
I know that isn't a word but this is my blog and I'll toss about the letters, how I like. :P
Things have been going fairly fine and I can't complain, sometimes I still do though.
Something took place this morning that I'd like to share with you.
It wasn't remarkable in any way but it's still sticking with me so I must pass
along it's pleasantries.
Who doesn't like sharing smiles?
As my two Son's and I were in the hustle and bustle of this morning, my oldest
told me of a book that will hopefully be chosen to read next, at school.
He started off by saying "Uhm ya, so Mom, the next book we may be reading is
Flowers For...." but he couldn't recall the last word.
I instantly knew what novel he referred to and he could tell that he held all
of my attention.
As some or more likely, most of you know, this is a well known work by
Daniel Keyes, later made into a marvelous movie.
Flowers For Algernon was indeed a wonderful read.
I won't get into the grit of it but I'll state that's it's always been a favorite of mine.
He asked me what it was about but I refused to offer him an ounce on any of it.
I'd rather build his excitement and offer continued interest when he starts reading it.
It was a nice moment and my youngest Son even joined in on the conversation
repeating his Brothers question and telling me again about the book his is reading with his class.
The Mouse And The Motorcycle, apparently another classic.
I'll have to give that one a look see, soon.
Ahhh a few moments we were all wonderful in!
That doesn't always happen when two or more very different souls take up
space with each other.
Anyway, what was I going to type on about next?
Oh ya, archery!
We arrowed up last night, well the two boys and I did, Hubby Bub will have his
turn to "shoot em up" on Wednesday.
It was a good night and even though I was "out shot" by our oldest Son, I enjoyed
the evening and love doing this with them.
A couple of emotional rain clouds have clobbered some of us since I last
slung sentences here but I'll not go into further mention of them because
I'm not about to dissect or destroy my decent mood.
I will state that I'm looking forward to many things in the next few weeks,
hopefully seeing or speaking with some of you.
My Sister is already planning Christmas Eve and I must admit that I'm also anxious
to be with everyone again.
Can't hardly wait for the Christmas chaos moments, those are like gravy to me.
Spending time with my Sons while Hubby goes hunting is also something I can't wait
to do, cooking, playing cards, eating popcorn and watching movies will hopefully
be enjoyed by us all.
Making Perogies for my Hubby Bub's trip is in my near future and I always
enjoy making him a meal to share with everyone.
As I have most times I type, music plays on in the background.
One song specifically strikes sunshine in me so I must end this entry by sharing
it with you, it could be my favorite from Mr Clapton.
Thank you for reading what's on my mind grounds and may kindness clobber
you when you least expect it!
A sad day for some and for others a joyful time of year.
When Boxing Day comes along it means only one thing to me, five more
months until The May 2-4 weekend and the kick off of Summer.
That's right!, there is just no bad time to start thinking about the speedy season.
Though I haven't yet been clutched in Christmas's clench, I am looking forward
to being with all my loved ones on Jesus's big day.
I'm also anxious to give our Son's their gifts, I'd love to share what they are but
my oldest occasionally has eyes on my entries here so silent I must stay.
I will say, tonight we go pick up our youngest Son's gift and hopefully he'll be as
happy receiving it as we are to be giving it.
I've really nothing very exciting or life changing to tell you of but that suits me swelly.
I know that isn't a word but this is my blog and I'll toss about the letters, how I like. :P
Things have been going fairly fine and I can't complain, sometimes I still do though.
Something took place this morning that I'd like to share with you.
It wasn't remarkable in any way but it's still sticking with me so I must pass
along it's pleasantries.
Who doesn't like sharing smiles?
As my two Son's and I were in the hustle and bustle of this morning, my oldest
told me of a book that will hopefully be chosen to read next, at school.
He started off by saying "Uhm ya, so Mom, the next book we may be reading is
Flowers For...." but he couldn't recall the last word.
I instantly knew what novel he referred to and he could tell that he held all
of my attention.
As some or more likely, most of you know, this is a well known work by
Daniel Keyes, later made into a marvelous movie.
Flowers For Algernon was indeed a wonderful read.
I won't get into the grit of it but I'll state that's it's always been a favorite of mine.
He asked me what it was about but I refused to offer him an ounce on any of it.
I'd rather build his excitement and offer continued interest when he starts reading it.
It was a nice moment and my youngest Son even joined in on the conversation
repeating his Brothers question and telling me again about the book his is reading with his class.
The Mouse And The Motorcycle, apparently another classic.
I'll have to give that one a look see, soon.
Ahhh a few moments we were all wonderful in!
That doesn't always happen when two or more very different souls take up
space with each other.
Anyway, what was I going to type on about next?
Oh ya, archery!
We arrowed up last night, well the two boys and I did, Hubby Bub will have his
turn to "shoot em up" on Wednesday.
It was a good night and even though I was "out shot" by our oldest Son, I enjoyed
the evening and love doing this with them.
A couple of emotional rain clouds have clobbered some of us since I last
slung sentences here but I'll not go into further mention of them because
I'm not about to dissect or destroy my decent mood.
I will state that I'm looking forward to many things in the next few weeks,
hopefully seeing or speaking with some of you.
My Sister is already planning Christmas Eve and I must admit that I'm also anxious
to be with everyone again.
Can't hardly wait for the Christmas chaos moments, those are like gravy to me.
Spending time with my Sons while Hubby goes hunting is also something I can't wait
to do, cooking, playing cards, eating popcorn and watching movies will hopefully
be enjoyed by us all.
Making Perogies for my Hubby Bub's trip is in my near future and I always
enjoy making him a meal to share with everyone.
As I have most times I type, music plays on in the background.
One song specifically strikes sunshine in me so I must end this entry by sharing
it with you, it could be my favorite from Mr Clapton.
Thank you for reading what's on my mind grounds and may kindness clobber
you when you least expect it!
Tuesday, 13 November 2012
Leave The Light On.....
I constantly have to remind myself to do this when leaving unanswered
questions and truly trying thoughts in the think tank.
I'm having one of those days where if I linger to long in the mind grounds,
misery will make it's way in this day and I refuse to let that happen.
So, I'm choosing to do something more constructive instead.
Housework was also an option but I'm just not motivated enough for that
at the moment, laying lines here will help me get to the housework, later.
This past weekend found our flock of families together at our Aunt
and Uncle's house.
Every year for the last several, my Sis and I collect our crews to spend
the weekend with our loved ones and help them decorate for Christmas.
It was a wonderful one and I'll remember it for some pretty good reasons.
First and foremost, I must make mention of all of our offspring's awesome behavior.
Take a bow, kids, you made good choices and because of that you'll get
praise from me!
It was fabulous being with everyone and our time together sped by way
to quickly for my liking.
Even the two hour car ride getting there was comical, chaotic but comical.
I know that I've went on about my Sis and her family before but it really does
deserve repeating here.
My Sis is one of those people who brightens any room just by being in
it but she's also always equipped with extra light bulbs. :)
Her, my Brother-In-Law, Nephew and Niece were kind, considerate, funny
and very generous.
I was impressed with everyone this weekend and even our Sons were well
with each other.
That's not a frequent thing to find so you darn right I'm gonna compliment them for it.
Good job guys, Mommy noticed and I'm sure everyone else did too.
We returned to our hometown on Sunday morning with time to spare in attending
our youngest Son's hockey game.
They lost but it was wonderful that so many people came to watch him play.
My Step-Father was there along with my Sis and her crew, my Godchild,
two Cousins and our Uncle.
Afterwards we were all treated to lunch and though I was feeling fine when we left
the rink, soon things would slide sourly for me.
Never one to let selfishness shine I started in sternly on our youngest Son's
behavior after the game.
Aidn is a brick wall when it comes to arguing and was happy to go a round
or two with me.
I won't get into the ugly of it here but I will say that I was the one who ended
up getting stung by it.
At the restaurant it seemed like most everyone was angered with someone else.
It got to me and I refused to eat.
That's right folks, my forty-two years of experience in this planet we play on
looked like only two in a few short minutes.
I was miffed that so many of us were complaining, pissing and whining about this
or that woe when we were all being given a gracious gift.
I explained to my Sis why I was upset after everyone ate and I apologized for my
attitude but felt I had to take a stand.
The only one that it ended up affecting was me.
Yup, poor choices, I still make many of em but someday hope to make less.
Later that day we took our Son's and a Cousin to archery.
The two kids shot first then while my Hubby Bub brought the young ones home,
Liam and I stayed for the adult shoot.
We enjoyed it and though I'm not doing as well as I had hoped, patience I'm trying to
have with myself.
The best of this so far has being seeing my Son's take an interest in something that
was once a big part of my life.
I wasn't able to shoot a "bullseye" but I'm determined and get excited when
the kids arrow em.
Well I think this is wordly enough, for now so I'll leave these lines with a
few photos from our weekend away.
Thanks for reading what's in my mind grounds and may you be happy
and well in this day.
I am and thank the big guy along with those that love me, for it.
questions and truly trying thoughts in the think tank.
I'm having one of those days where if I linger to long in the mind grounds,
misery will make it's way in this day and I refuse to let that happen.
So, I'm choosing to do something more constructive instead.
Housework was also an option but I'm just not motivated enough for that
at the moment, laying lines here will help me get to the housework, later.
This past weekend found our flock of families together at our Aunt
and Uncle's house.
Every year for the last several, my Sis and I collect our crews to spend
the weekend with our loved ones and help them decorate for Christmas.
It was a wonderful one and I'll remember it for some pretty good reasons.
First and foremost, I must make mention of all of our offspring's awesome behavior.
Take a bow, kids, you made good choices and because of that you'll get
praise from me!
It was fabulous being with everyone and our time together sped by way
to quickly for my liking.
Even the two hour car ride getting there was comical, chaotic but comical.
I know that I've went on about my Sis and her family before but it really does
deserve repeating here.
My Sis is one of those people who brightens any room just by being in
it but she's also always equipped with extra light bulbs. :)
Her, my Brother-In-Law, Nephew and Niece were kind, considerate, funny
and very generous.
I was impressed with everyone this weekend and even our Sons were well
with each other.
That's not a frequent thing to find so you darn right I'm gonna compliment them for it.
Good job guys, Mommy noticed and I'm sure everyone else did too.
We returned to our hometown on Sunday morning with time to spare in attending
our youngest Son's hockey game.
They lost but it was wonderful that so many people came to watch him play.
My Step-Father was there along with my Sis and her crew, my Godchild,
two Cousins and our Uncle.
Afterwards we were all treated to lunch and though I was feeling fine when we left
the rink, soon things would slide sourly for me.
Never one to let selfishness shine I started in sternly on our youngest Son's
behavior after the game.
Aidn is a brick wall when it comes to arguing and was happy to go a round
or two with me.
I won't get into the ugly of it here but I will say that I was the one who ended
up getting stung by it.
At the restaurant it seemed like most everyone was angered with someone else.
It got to me and I refused to eat.
That's right folks, my forty-two years of experience in this planet we play on
looked like only two in a few short minutes.
I was miffed that so many of us were complaining, pissing and whining about this
or that woe when we were all being given a gracious gift.
I explained to my Sis why I was upset after everyone ate and I apologized for my
attitude but felt I had to take a stand.
The only one that it ended up affecting was me.
Yup, poor choices, I still make many of em but someday hope to make less.
Later that day we took our Son's and a Cousin to archery.
The two kids shot first then while my Hubby Bub brought the young ones home,
Liam and I stayed for the adult shoot.
We enjoyed it and though I'm not doing as well as I had hoped, patience I'm trying to
have with myself.
The best of this so far has being seeing my Son's take an interest in something that
was once a big part of my life.
I wasn't able to shoot a "bullseye" but I'm determined and get excited when
the kids arrow em.
Well I think this is wordly enough, for now so I'll leave these lines with a
few photos from our weekend away.
Thanks for reading what's in my mind grounds and may you be happy
and well in this day.
I am and thank the big guy along with those that love me, for it.
Tuesday, 6 November 2012
Forty-Two Is The New Twenty-Two......
Well it is, I'm just saying.
Actually I'm sporting a super smile while sliding sentences here in cyberspace.
This is a mighty fine way to empty the think tank so I'm gonna be an Author of
opportunity and offer up my thoughts on the titled subject.
As many of you know and wished me well for, yesterday was my forty-second
birthday and it went down in the book of my life as a beautiful one.
It didn't have material gifts but that's fine for me as I have more than
I use and need, always.
What my day did hold was heaps of happiness in the words and actions of others.
I know those are wishy, washy, willow words but that's just winded ole me.
From the kind comments, phone calls and all around well wishes to the wonderful
words my Sister offered me, right down to the delicious, time consuming dinner
my helpful Husband made, it was a marvelous day!
I love birthdays and can only recall one really bad one and that was my fault.
It's funny thinking back to that day, five year old little me ruined my own party
with bad behavior.
I've destroyed great days many times for that very same reason, somethings time
never changes, haha.
Anyway, we should all be celebrated in special ways on our big day and I sure was.
Thank you to all of you who had a hand in my happiness, I'm still holding on
to it today.
I'm well and in a wonderful way nestled cross legged in "the nest" this morning,
thinking about one of the best friends I ever had the pleasure of laughing, loving
and living with.
Pepe Gene was the first "best friend" in my life and more than thirty-five years
later he still lives on in smiles, memories and the love he left us with.
Though the Big Guy came for him at the young age of fifty-four, thankfully he
left me many wonderful people to form friendships and fine feelings for.
My Father was also a very close friend to me as is my Aunt and Sister.
Add those together with the few handfuls of other related & unrelated folks
that I share a bond with and it amounts to me, one lucky soul.
I just answered the phone only to hear more birthday greetings from a few
forgetful Fella's close to my blood pumper.
I don't care when they wish me well, I'm just happy they bother to at all.
Well my oldest will be home for lunch soon and I want to fix him the homemade
soup I stirred up.
I'll leave you with one of the last family pictures Pepe Gene was ever in and
one of him and us kids shortly before his death, I'm the one sitting on the floor
and he's holding my Cousin Brandon.
I was the flower girl at this wedding but wasn't in this shot, was probably
throwing a two year old tantrum somewhere.
I recall having a few that day.....hehehe, sorry Aunt Pam, must have been
maddening dealing with that on your "Bride Day".
P.S peeps, Pepe's the one with the bow tie.
Thanks for reading what's on my mind grounds and I hope this day is a
happy one for you all.
Actually I'm sporting a super smile while sliding sentences here in cyberspace.
This is a mighty fine way to empty the think tank so I'm gonna be an Author of
opportunity and offer up my thoughts on the titled subject.
As many of you know and wished me well for, yesterday was my forty-second
birthday and it went down in the book of my life as a beautiful one.
It didn't have material gifts but that's fine for me as I have more than
I use and need, always.
What my day did hold was heaps of happiness in the words and actions of others.
I know those are wishy, washy, willow words but that's just winded ole me.
From the kind comments, phone calls and all around well wishes to the wonderful
words my Sister offered me, right down to the delicious, time consuming dinner
my helpful Husband made, it was a marvelous day!
I love birthdays and can only recall one really bad one and that was my fault.
It's funny thinking back to that day, five year old little me ruined my own party
with bad behavior.
I've destroyed great days many times for that very same reason, somethings time
never changes, haha.
Anyway, we should all be celebrated in special ways on our big day and I sure was.
Thank you to all of you who had a hand in my happiness, I'm still holding on
to it today.
I'm well and in a wonderful way nestled cross legged in "the nest" this morning,
thinking about one of the best friends I ever had the pleasure of laughing, loving
and living with.
Pepe Gene was the first "best friend" in my life and more than thirty-five years
later he still lives on in smiles, memories and the love he left us with.
Though the Big Guy came for him at the young age of fifty-four, thankfully he
left me many wonderful people to form friendships and fine feelings for.
My Father was also a very close friend to me as is my Aunt and Sister.
Add those together with the few handfuls of other related & unrelated folks
that I share a bond with and it amounts to me, one lucky soul.
I just answered the phone only to hear more birthday greetings from a few
forgetful Fella's close to my blood pumper.
I don't care when they wish me well, I'm just happy they bother to at all.
Well my oldest will be home for lunch soon and I want to fix him the homemade
soup I stirred up.
I'll leave you with one of the last family pictures Pepe Gene was ever in and
one of him and us kids shortly before his death, I'm the one sitting on the floor
and he's holding my Cousin Brandon.
I was the flower girl at this wedding but wasn't in this shot, was probably
throwing a two year old tantrum somewhere.
I recall having a few that day.....hehehe, sorry Aunt Pam, must have been
maddening dealing with that on your "Bride Day".
P.S peeps, Pepe's the one with the bow tie.
Thanks for reading what's on my mind grounds and I hope this day is a
happy one for you all.
Friday, 2 November 2012
November Niceness.....
That's what's on my mind at the moment.
Though it's a nippy morning, I'm happy to be reporting from my nice warm nest.
I know it's been a few weeks since my last entry, I tend to do everything slower
in the cold snap of this season.
Wait until Winter hits, I may turn even more turtley.
Since I last left lines here many good moments have made their way into my life.
I'll share a few with you.
Our oldest Son spent time helping out at my Sisters and I was peacock proud
when she told me of how helpful he was, especially when she spoke of some
senior souls they spent time with. I'm always on my boys about kindness and
consideration and how it benefits everyone. God job Goose!
Our youngest is hugely happy to be playing hockey and continues to get extremely
excited for Saturday and Sunday skating times.
They won their game last week and it's always an awesome feeling seeing the
people I love happy.
Our Cousin came out of her surgery well and I was thankful for that most certainly
but being asked to spend time with her before and after was wonderful, indeed!
Seeing anyone I love suffer is tough stuff to swallow and always inspires me to
try harder at everything I do.
Of course I still stumble and frequently fall flat but I always bounce back.
Last night we went to see Meme and she was well enough at the start of our
visit but by the end of it we were both weepy.
She was in terrible pain and I could do nothing to stop it, man that hurts!
We emotionally expressed much love for each other and here I type, still touched
by those moments we shared.
Anyone who knows us can tell you how different we once felt, I love that my
blood pumper pounds proudly with pleasantries over my Memeness now.
Today marks the sixty-sixth birthday of a special to me soul.
Who just so happens to be a regular reader of my blog, thanks Crawdad!
I do hope this day is a dandily one for you, my friend.
One of my best buds who is also my Aunt and Godmother, turns sixty-six soon.
Hopefully I can do something sweetly for them both.
As for me?, I'll be forty-two next week.
It flies and it's gaining speed with each year, time is what I'm talking about
and I'm determined to spend it smiling more and eye leaking less.
I know, I know, for weepy willow me it's always an effort but definitely one
worth making.
There is something else I'm uppity over.
On Sunday, Hubby Bub, our Sons, our Cousin and myself will attempt archery.
This excites me because it's something I was once involved in.
I'm nervous though as it's a public shoot and I'm uncertain what to expect.
Have I mentioned that it's been over twenty-five years since my hands
have held a bow?, I can feel them shaking now and I never do well with
eyes of strangers on me.
It'll be fine, I know, just a bit trembling is me.
Well I think that's linely enough for now, my belly is making hunger sounds and will
no longer settle for the cold coffee I've been sipping on.
I'll add my first photo and a song.
It was one I loved back then and still sounds good after all these years.
I can't tell you how many times I played the "Control" album but I went
through two cassette tapes and an LP of it, that's love, man.
Thanks for reading what's on my mind and may this day find you in
a feeling good way!
Though it's a nippy morning, I'm happy to be reporting from my nice warm nest.
I know it's been a few weeks since my last entry, I tend to do everything slower
in the cold snap of this season.
Wait until Winter hits, I may turn even more turtley.
Since I last left lines here many good moments have made their way into my life.
I'll share a few with you.
Our oldest Son spent time helping out at my Sisters and I was peacock proud
when she told me of how helpful he was, especially when she spoke of some
senior souls they spent time with. I'm always on my boys about kindness and
consideration and how it benefits everyone. God job Goose!
Our youngest is hugely happy to be playing hockey and continues to get extremely
excited for Saturday and Sunday skating times.
They won their game last week and it's always an awesome feeling seeing the
people I love happy.
Our Cousin came out of her surgery well and I was thankful for that most certainly
but being asked to spend time with her before and after was wonderful, indeed!
Seeing anyone I love suffer is tough stuff to swallow and always inspires me to
try harder at everything I do.
Of course I still stumble and frequently fall flat but I always bounce back.
Last night we went to see Meme and she was well enough at the start of our
visit but by the end of it we were both weepy.
She was in terrible pain and I could do nothing to stop it, man that hurts!
We emotionally expressed much love for each other and here I type, still touched
by those moments we shared.
Anyone who knows us can tell you how different we once felt, I love that my
blood pumper pounds proudly with pleasantries over my Memeness now.
Today marks the sixty-sixth birthday of a special to me soul.
Who just so happens to be a regular reader of my blog, thanks Crawdad!
I do hope this day is a dandily one for you, my friend.
One of my best buds who is also my Aunt and Godmother, turns sixty-six soon.
Hopefully I can do something sweetly for them both.
As for me?, I'll be forty-two next week.
It flies and it's gaining speed with each year, time is what I'm talking about
and I'm determined to spend it smiling more and eye leaking less.
I know, I know, for weepy willow me it's always an effort but definitely one
worth making.
There is something else I'm uppity over.
On Sunday, Hubby Bub, our Sons, our Cousin and myself will attempt archery.
This excites me because it's something I was once involved in.
I'm nervous though as it's a public shoot and I'm uncertain what to expect.
Have I mentioned that it's been over twenty-five years since my hands
have held a bow?, I can feel them shaking now and I never do well with
eyes of strangers on me.
It'll be fine, I know, just a bit trembling is me.
Well I think that's linely enough for now, my belly is making hunger sounds and will
no longer settle for the cold coffee I've been sipping on.
I'll add my first photo and a song.
It was one I loved back then and still sounds good after all these years.
I can't tell you how many times I played the "Control" album but I went
through two cassette tapes and an LP of it, that's love, man.
Thanks for reading what's on my mind and may this day find you in
a feeling good way!
Saturday, 13 October 2012
Hello everyone! (waving)
I must apologize for my lack of lines lately, I have no excuse.
It's probably just another poor choice on my part but there really hasn't
been much to tell you about.
Not much until now, that is.
In the couple weeks that have passed since my last blog entry, life has been
well enough and even wonderful at times.
Our Sons have settled into their school schedule, my Husband is offering
efforts of excellence at work and I am enjoying spending more time
with people that mean the most to me.
Early this morning my Husband woke me in his friendly familiar way as I laid still
and pretended to be sleeping, grumbling something about the early hour, I inched
out of the nest to answer nature's call.
A few moments later I returned to the welcome of it's warmth after deciding
that 5:30am was far to early for us to take on the day.
Sadly, when we woke for a second time and were ready to leave, our vehicle
had other plans and remains lifeless in the driveway.
A busy day we were to be into by now but everything waits on whether
or not the van will start.
I've put off writing a blog entry more than once in the last couple weeks so I
figured now might be just the right time to empty the think tank.
Earlier this week a dear close friend of mine stopped by for a visit and it was
wonderful to see her smiling face again.
She had been out to breakfast with some folks and decided to
come and see me all the way on the other side of town, when she was done.
That may not seem like much to some people but it means mountains
to me, especially when you consider the gas prices lately.
I feel so special when anyone makes an effort for me but when
I've been included in someones day off, like I was on Monday, it's extra special.
Thank you for always making an effort for me my friend, it never goes unnoticed.
Yesterday my plans were also tossed to the wind, I was to be helping
another friend at her house but major health problems prevented us
from getting the work done.
I decided to do a few things around here instead and started reading a
new book along with doing some online surfing.
While I was visiting a few favorite music sites and frolicking on facebook,
I started reading of a young lady that took her own life this week, then I saw
the video that was sparking all the cyber speaks about her.
Madness and miserable memories filled my mind and heart.
Of course I can't know why she made that very last choice to end her own life,
I can only imagine that her pain was just to great to carry on and that she felt completely hopeless.
Something I am sure many of you have felt, like I have.
As I sat staring at the screen my think tank traveled back to a time in
my life where I too was bullied and made to feel like nothing more than a failure in life.
Oh the utter ugliness of those years passed!, I can't tell you how happy it makes
me knowing that I don't have to live that twice.
Today I had a little chat with our oldest Son about the young lady I read
of and what his feelings were when he learned of her last choice.
He told me that it made him terribly sad and that he has also felt bullied many times.
I asked him what has stopped him from making that final choice?, he replied,
"Not to sound mean or anything Mom but I want to prove them all wrong".
Though it tugs at my blood pumper knowing he has felt such depths of despair,
I know it's part of growing up for most people and I'm proud that he has fight in
him to live on through those moments.
I shared with him something that I never have before.
Though it was uncomfortable, I told him about how I spent a few months in the
hospital when I was a bit younger than him because I tried to end my own life.
He didn't seem shocked by this news tidbit but didn't act as if he expected it either.
I praised him for not choosing the way I did in dealing with those ferocious feelings
and stated my pride over the person he is.
Suicide is a subject that remains close to my heart and often makes
it's way through the mind grounds.
Why does life get to heavy to handle for some, to the point where
only one choice can be seen?
I'm grateful and humbled to say that I certainly see more than one
option in my life now and pray that my enjoyment and desire for living it
continues on in the remainder of my days.
I'd be lying if I tried to sell you a speech about never feeling that sad anymore
so I won't bother, instead I'll type the truth and tell you that when I feel deflated,
damaged and not fit for this world, I reach out to others and always get what I
need in bringing me back to the good that surrounds me.
It's part of the reason why I get so much from giving of myself and
offering it to others.
My thoughts linger on about that young lady and many other people
who've made their very last choice in life.
My prayer here is much the same as with other social yet personal issues,
may we learn to be more helpful and less hurtful with each other.
What can make one person try harder and want to succeed in life can
just as easily damage and even destroy another one's desire to live on at all.
The words "Speak softly, forgive frequently and love largely" come to mind.
Well that's deep enough for me, I'm certain you feel the same way by now.
I'll leave these lines with a song that brings the above mentioned to mind.
It just seems fitting somehow.
As always, thank you for taking the time in your day to read what's on my mind.
May the one we're in be good in more ways than bad.
I must apologize for my lack of lines lately, I have no excuse.
It's probably just another poor choice on my part but there really hasn't
been much to tell you about.
Not much until now, that is.
In the couple weeks that have passed since my last blog entry, life has been
well enough and even wonderful at times.
Our Sons have settled into their school schedule, my Husband is offering
efforts of excellence at work and I am enjoying spending more time
with people that mean the most to me.
Early this morning my Husband woke me in his friendly familiar way as I laid still
and pretended to be sleeping, grumbling something about the early hour, I inched
out of the nest to answer nature's call.
A few moments later I returned to the welcome of it's warmth after deciding
that 5:30am was far to early for us to take on the day.
Sadly, when we woke for a second time and were ready to leave, our vehicle
had other plans and remains lifeless in the driveway.
A busy day we were to be into by now but everything waits on whether
or not the van will start.
I've put off writing a blog entry more than once in the last couple weeks so I
figured now might be just the right time to empty the think tank.
Earlier this week a dear close friend of mine stopped by for a visit and it was
wonderful to see her smiling face again.
She had been out to breakfast with some folks and decided to
come and see me all the way on the other side of town, when she was done.
That may not seem like much to some people but it means mountains
to me, especially when you consider the gas prices lately.
I feel so special when anyone makes an effort for me but when
I've been included in someones day off, like I was on Monday, it's extra special.
Thank you for always making an effort for me my friend, it never goes unnoticed.
Yesterday my plans were also tossed to the wind, I was to be helping
another friend at her house but major health problems prevented us
from getting the work done.
I decided to do a few things around here instead and started reading a
new book along with doing some online surfing.
While I was visiting a few favorite music sites and frolicking on facebook,
I started reading of a young lady that took her own life this week, then I saw
the video that was sparking all the cyber speaks about her.
Madness and miserable memories filled my mind and heart.
Of course I can't know why she made that very last choice to end her own life,
I can only imagine that her pain was just to great to carry on and that she felt completely hopeless.
Something I am sure many of you have felt, like I have.
As I sat staring at the screen my think tank traveled back to a time in
my life where I too was bullied and made to feel like nothing more than a failure in life.
Oh the utter ugliness of those years passed!, I can't tell you how happy it makes
me knowing that I don't have to live that twice.
Today I had a little chat with our oldest Son about the young lady I read
of and what his feelings were when he learned of her last choice.
He told me that it made him terribly sad and that he has also felt bullied many times.
I asked him what has stopped him from making that final choice?, he replied,
"Not to sound mean or anything Mom but I want to prove them all wrong".
Though it tugs at my blood pumper knowing he has felt such depths of despair,
I know it's part of growing up for most people and I'm proud that he has fight in
him to live on through those moments.
I shared with him something that I never have before.
Though it was uncomfortable, I told him about how I spent a few months in the
hospital when I was a bit younger than him because I tried to end my own life.
He didn't seem shocked by this news tidbit but didn't act as if he expected it either.
I praised him for not choosing the way I did in dealing with those ferocious feelings
and stated my pride over the person he is.
Suicide is a subject that remains close to my heart and often makes
it's way through the mind grounds.
Why does life get to heavy to handle for some, to the point where
only one choice can be seen?
I'm grateful and humbled to say that I certainly see more than one
option in my life now and pray that my enjoyment and desire for living it
continues on in the remainder of my days.
I'd be lying if I tried to sell you a speech about never feeling that sad anymore
so I won't bother, instead I'll type the truth and tell you that when I feel deflated,
damaged and not fit for this world, I reach out to others and always get what I
need in bringing me back to the good that surrounds me.
It's part of the reason why I get so much from giving of myself and
offering it to others.
My thoughts linger on about that young lady and many other people
who've made their very last choice in life.
My prayer here is much the same as with other social yet personal issues,
may we learn to be more helpful and less hurtful with each other.
What can make one person try harder and want to succeed in life can
just as easily damage and even destroy another one's desire to live on at all.
The words "Speak softly, forgive frequently and love largely" come to mind.
Well that's deep enough for me, I'm certain you feel the same way by now.
I'll leave these lines with a song that brings the above mentioned to mind.
It just seems fitting somehow.
As always, thank you for taking the time in your day to read what's on my mind.
May the one we're in be good in more ways than bad.
Thursday, 27 September 2012
Live Every Moment.....
I'm not telling anyone what to do but those sure are wonderful words to live
by, aren't they?
They just so happen to be lyrics and the song title to one of my favorites from
REO Speedwagon.
Today I'm in a well way and figured it was about time for another entry.
I was hoping to be out and about in this day by now but things change
and here I sit, sliding sentences for all to see.
I'm trying to remain optimistic even though Winter is right around the corner
and Fall's frigid fingers have had me freezing my fandango off more than
once so far.
After Winter, Fall is my least favorite season.
Everything outside dies and makes way for Winter's return, Brrrrr!, the thought
of that season sends icicles down my spine!
Not wanting to think about that anymore I'll change lanes in lines here and
tell you of some more soothing things for me.
Hockey season is upon us and by the looks of things in the NHL, our Son's
Atom league might be the only stick handling we see.
He's only been in a few weeks now but he sure is loving it!
I can't express the joy it brings me when I see any of my pack-of-penises
take part and pleasure in something they love.
Yes, that includes my Husband's excitement for his upcoming deer hunting trip.
I do complain about it on occasion but it really does me dandily to see
how much he dives into it.
Our oldest is leaving this weekend with my Mom to help out my Sis and as
always, he is beyond excited.
In just over a month it will be my 42nd big day and though I have not the first clue
on how I will be celebrating it, I'll be happy if I get to it, alive and well like today.
I'm gonna leave this one short and sweet because there are a few things I need
to tend to around here but I'll add the song that inspires my mood and today's entry.
Thank you for reading what's on my mind grounds and I hope this day is a good one for you!
by, aren't they?
They just so happen to be lyrics and the song title to one of my favorites from
REO Speedwagon.
Today I'm in a well way and figured it was about time for another entry.
I was hoping to be out and about in this day by now but things change
and here I sit, sliding sentences for all to see.
I'm trying to remain optimistic even though Winter is right around the corner
and Fall's frigid fingers have had me freezing my fandango off more than
once so far.
After Winter, Fall is my least favorite season.
Everything outside dies and makes way for Winter's return, Brrrrr!, the thought
of that season sends icicles down my spine!
Not wanting to think about that anymore I'll change lanes in lines here and
tell you of some more soothing things for me.
Hockey season is upon us and by the looks of things in the NHL, our Son's
Atom league might be the only stick handling we see.
He's only been in a few weeks now but he sure is loving it!
I can't express the joy it brings me when I see any of my pack-of-penises
take part and pleasure in something they love.
Yes, that includes my Husband's excitement for his upcoming deer hunting trip.
I do complain about it on occasion but it really does me dandily to see
how much he dives into it.
Our oldest is leaving this weekend with my Mom to help out my Sis and as
always, he is beyond excited.
In just over a month it will be my 42nd big day and though I have not the first clue
on how I will be celebrating it, I'll be happy if I get to it, alive and well like today.
I'm gonna leave this one short and sweet because there are a few things I need
to tend to around here but I'll add the song that inspires my mood and today's entry.
Thank you for reading what's on my mind grounds and I hope this day is a good one for you!
Wednesday, 19 September 2012
Socks Or No Socks?......
Socks or no socks?, that is the question.
Well at the moment it is and to wear socks, won.
Though it's been cooler for the last couple weeks, I haven't needed to sport socks.
The day started as most others around here with one new thing I noticed.
Nippely air surrounded the nest I was so nice and warm in.
Though I wanted nothing more than to linger on in sweet slumber, the island
sound of the song "Jump Right In" rang from the alarm.
Time to wake up and I was ever anxious to dive into the day.
I've been spending some time with a wonderful woman and today
we planned on enjoying each others company once again.
Once I made breakfast for the boys and sent them off to school, I landed
my large load in front of the computer to listen to music and read.
I was ready to leave at 8:30 am and was looking forward to the laughter
and long talks we always seem to share.
Things don't always go as planned and today was no exception.
You see, my friend is fighting a field full of huge health hardships and she
sent me an e-mail early this morning, letting me know she wouldn't be
able to make it.
Her leg was sore and she wouldn't be doing much in this day.
My heart sunk knowing she was still in pain.
Yesterday it was really giving her grief and I prayed that her pain would ease or pass.
For the past eight years this fine, funny, female has been battling pancreatic cancer.
Yup, probably the one folks fear most.
My mind races thinking of how hard most days must be for her and others
that struggle on in sickness.
Diabetes, heart problems and a host of other health heaps, weigh down
her every day.
Still, she smiles, jokes and lives on in the most gracious, generous and compassionate ways.
I'm not gonna spend another single second typing about the disease
that does it's best to keep her down.
No way on my "Hell No!" highway will I give that more energy than what
it's taken from her.
Instead, I will make mention of all the wonderfulness that is this woman I speak of.
Where should I start?
I'll tell you about the first time I remember meeting my friend who
is also a family member.
Though I don't recall the exact day, month or year, it was at her fundraiser
and my Mother-In-Law asked us to join her.
I do believe our Son Aidn was still in a stroller.
Many years would pass before our paths would cross again.
Though I didn't see her through the years, I always wondered how
she was doing in life.
I knew she was married with children and often prayed that the Big Guy
would gift her many years with her loved ones.
That's where Cyberspace and the beauty of blogs came in.
While reading my Sister-In-Law's wall at facebook I spotted our Cousin and
a link to her blog.
I started reading all the entries and enjoyed every one, a natural talent for a way
with words is hers and I still look forward to reading anything she has to say.
One day while I was deep and dark with the demons of myself, she reached out to
me and offered kindness and concern.
She'll never know what those simple gifts gave to me.
Since then we have spent more time together and are learning about each other.
It's very much a relationship of give and take but I always seem to be getting much
more than I'm giving.
Well that's how it feels to me, anyway.
How I'd like to clone her and few other fine folks I know so the world could be filled
with more helpful, humble humans.
Have I mentioned how blessed I feel today?, well I sure do and plan on hanging
on to this feeling for as longs as it flows.
My oldest Son just came in for lunch so I must say so long for now.
Thanks for reading what's on my mind and may this day find you in a well way.
I'm gonna leave a song that always seems fitting when I'm full of feelings for others.
One last thing, I'd like to ask any of you Lord lovers out there to please offer up
a prayer for my friend's well health and happiness, thank you so much!
Well at the moment it is and to wear socks, won.
Though it's been cooler for the last couple weeks, I haven't needed to sport socks.
The day started as most others around here with one new thing I noticed.
Nippely air surrounded the nest I was so nice and warm in.
Though I wanted nothing more than to linger on in sweet slumber, the island
sound of the song "Jump Right In" rang from the alarm.
Time to wake up and I was ever anxious to dive into the day.
I've been spending some time with a wonderful woman and today
we planned on enjoying each others company once again.
Once I made breakfast for the boys and sent them off to school, I landed
my large load in front of the computer to listen to music and read.
I was ready to leave at 8:30 am and was looking forward to the laughter
and long talks we always seem to share.
Things don't always go as planned and today was no exception.
You see, my friend is fighting a field full of huge health hardships and she
sent me an e-mail early this morning, letting me know she wouldn't be
able to make it.
Her leg was sore and she wouldn't be doing much in this day.
My heart sunk knowing she was still in pain.
Yesterday it was really giving her grief and I prayed that her pain would ease or pass.
For the past eight years this fine, funny, female has been battling pancreatic cancer.
Yup, probably the one folks fear most.
My mind races thinking of how hard most days must be for her and others
that struggle on in sickness.
Diabetes, heart problems and a host of other health heaps, weigh down
her every day.
Still, she smiles, jokes and lives on in the most gracious, generous and compassionate ways.
I'm not gonna spend another single second typing about the disease
that does it's best to keep her down.
No way on my "Hell No!" highway will I give that more energy than what
it's taken from her.
Instead, I will make mention of all the wonderfulness that is this woman I speak of.
Where should I start?
I'll tell you about the first time I remember meeting my friend who
is also a family member.
Though I don't recall the exact day, month or year, it was at her fundraiser
and my Mother-In-Law asked us to join her.
I do believe our Son Aidn was still in a stroller.
Many years would pass before our paths would cross again.
Though I didn't see her through the years, I always wondered how
she was doing in life.
I knew she was married with children and often prayed that the Big Guy
would gift her many years with her loved ones.
That's where Cyberspace and the beauty of blogs came in.
While reading my Sister-In-Law's wall at facebook I spotted our Cousin and
a link to her blog.
I started reading all the entries and enjoyed every one, a natural talent for a way
with words is hers and I still look forward to reading anything she has to say.
One day while I was deep and dark with the demons of myself, she reached out to
me and offered kindness and concern.
She'll never know what those simple gifts gave to me.
Since then we have spent more time together and are learning about each other.
It's very much a relationship of give and take but I always seem to be getting much
more than I'm giving.
Well that's how it feels to me, anyway.
How I'd like to clone her and few other fine folks I know so the world could be filled
with more helpful, humble humans.
Have I mentioned how blessed I feel today?, well I sure do and plan on hanging
on to this feeling for as longs as it flows.
My oldest Son just came in for lunch so I must say so long for now.
Thanks for reading what's on my mind and may this day find you in a well way.
I'm gonna leave a song that always seems fitting when I'm full of feelings for others.
One last thing, I'd like to ask any of you Lord lovers out there to please offer up
a prayer for my friend's well health and happiness, thank you so much!
Tuesday, 11 September 2012
I Can't Know.....
"I can't know" is three little words I frequently use and today it applies to more
than one thought in the think tank.
Though I'm certain I don't have to mention what meaning is held in today, I will here
because it's been on my mind all morning.
How can eleven years have passed since that day of such demise?
I don't dare type the three numbers that are associated with these 24 hours,
for fear I will spend the rest of this gifted day in eye leaks.
I'd rather choose to live lively in it!, enjoying every single person and thing around me.
My mind wanders off to the faceless family and friends of those who lost their lives
on that mournful morning.
How their hearts must ache on this day.
Leaving the nest earlier, I was in a very sad way for reasons other than the one mentioned above.
It didn't take me long to turn it around though, a few words of encouragement
and concern from a couple of friends along with realizing what I needed to do,
did the trick.
Now, sitting back in the nest, happy and giving thanks for all I have in life I'm in a
better place to type from my heart (and mind grounds) :)
Also, I'd like to add that "I Can't Know" why such hatred and greed exist in
the world but I refuse to let it stop me from seeing the sweetness in what
life has to offer.
Back to the title at hand.
It's birth came from the mouth of my young Cousin one day while I was
babysitting him.
Though I don't recall the specific question I called upon him to answer, his reply
was simply stated, "I can't know, Aunt Ger"
I knew instantly that what he meant to say was, "I don't know" but for whatever
reason, that's not what he said.
For a year or so after that he always said "I can't know" when he didn't know the answer to a question.
It's still something many of us say when we don't know an answer to a question
and it cracks me up whenever I hear a loved one reference him by speaking it.
That, my friends, is a simple pleasure and I plan on taking part in many of them today.
Keeping with the flow of feelings here I want to share some of my yesterday
with all of you.
A Cousin on my Mom's side has recently moved here from "Out West" and
I was invited over for a visit.
Beyond beautiful the day was and we enjoyed catching up on each others lives.
Only one thing bummed me out, the "bugging me biggley" buzzing bees!
They were everywhere and we couldn't get away from them no matter where we
tried to bench our backsides.
Not a chance on my "Hell No!" highway would I let them ruin the marvelous
moments we had and it was truly a treat to see my Cousin and her Daughter
happy and doing well.
Well time is going by much to quickly and I have things to do so I'll say
Sayonara, so long and see ya later, for now.
Thanks for reading what's on my mind and may this day be marvelous, if
only because we're in it. :)

than one thought in the think tank.
Though I'm certain I don't have to mention what meaning is held in today, I will here
because it's been on my mind all morning.
How can eleven years have passed since that day of such demise?
I don't dare type the three numbers that are associated with these 24 hours,
for fear I will spend the rest of this gifted day in eye leaks.
I'd rather choose to live lively in it!, enjoying every single person and thing around me.
My mind wanders off to the faceless family and friends of those who lost their lives
on that mournful morning.
How their hearts must ache on this day.
Leaving the nest earlier, I was in a very sad way for reasons other than the one mentioned above.
It didn't take me long to turn it around though, a few words of encouragement
and concern from a couple of friends along with realizing what I needed to do,
did the trick.
Now, sitting back in the nest, happy and giving thanks for all I have in life I'm in a
better place to type from my heart (and mind grounds) :)
Also, I'd like to add that "I Can't Know" why such hatred and greed exist in
the world but I refuse to let it stop me from seeing the sweetness in what
life has to offer.
Back to the title at hand.
It's birth came from the mouth of my young Cousin one day while I was
babysitting him.
Though I don't recall the specific question I called upon him to answer, his reply
was simply stated, "I can't know, Aunt Ger"
I knew instantly that what he meant to say was, "I don't know" but for whatever
reason, that's not what he said.
For a year or so after that he always said "I can't know" when he didn't know the answer to a question.
It's still something many of us say when we don't know an answer to a question
and it cracks me up whenever I hear a loved one reference him by speaking it.
That, my friends, is a simple pleasure and I plan on taking part in many of them today.
Keeping with the flow of feelings here I want to share some of my yesterday
with all of you.
A Cousin on my Mom's side has recently moved here from "Out West" and
I was invited over for a visit.
Beyond beautiful the day was and we enjoyed catching up on each others lives.
Only one thing bummed me out, the "bugging me biggley" buzzing bees!
They were everywhere and we couldn't get away from them no matter where we
tried to bench our backsides.
Not a chance on my "Hell No!" highway would I let them ruin the marvelous
moments we had and it was truly a treat to see my Cousin and her Daughter
happy and doing well.
Well time is going by much to quickly and I have things to do so I'll say
Sayonara, so long and see ya later, for now.
Thanks for reading what's on my mind and may this day be marvelous, if
only because we're in it. :)
Thursday, 6 September 2012
Sealed With A Kiss.....
I feel as though I haven't blogged in months but it's only been a couple
weeks since my last entry.
This morning as I made my way from the nest, the song in this title was
playing in my mind.
It's always reminded me of Summer's end and every year when the kids
return to school I can be found humming it's tune.
Many things do I have to share with you here so I'll get right to it.
First off, I'd like to let you all know that my Aunt passed away on Aug 28th.
One day shy of her 71st birthday.
My Sis, her kids, my Hubby Bub and our children were all in Michigan when
she left this life but we were happy to put our vacation on hold so we could
come back to comfort our Mother and say our final goodbye.
We decided it would be best if my Husband stayed back while just Julie and I
go to the viewing.
This way, the kids could still enjoy the day while my Sis and I made our way
back to Windsor.
We planned on stopping in to see our Meme's Sister, Aunt Marce who is
now in a nursing home.
I'm so glad we found the time to follow through because I hadn't seen
her in a year and my Sister states several years have passed since she last
laid eyes on her.
Aunt Marce was always a very kind and gentle soul and I'm happy to say that
she still is, even though she may not remember so well.
As you may have already guessed, she has Alzheimer's and didn't remember
us when we entered her room.
Last year she knew who my children, Husband and I were, this year, not so much.
It was sad but we had a lovely visit and she truly was happy to have the company.
Over and over she told us of how her and her siblings had to be in bed by 9pm
every night in the Summer and my Sis and I could tell how it must have
peeved her plenty back then.
We had to laugh when she commented about the cute male staff and how
she didn't mind spending her days looking at them.
Aunt Marce has always been a sparkle in my life and I'm happy that we were
able to see her again.
Before I go any further in this entry I want tell you about a special guest that
joined us on August 28th for her birthday.
Our Cousin who is always busy and bustling about, just so happened to be free
and by the grace of our Aunt and Uncle's hospitality, she was able to spend the
night with us!
The pleasure was all ours and she cracked us all up with her comical ways.
Every time she would say "Oh shut the front door!" in place of a well known
swearing sentence, I would laugh out loud.
My Sister made butter chicken for her birthday dinner and we had a very nice night.
Thank you Cousin for choosing to spend your big day with us, we had a blast!
The week away flew by and though we had a terrific time, I just wish we could
find a way to make our visits linger on longer.
We ate like royalty and enjoyed every ounce of sunshine we were given, only one
day of rain, if I recall correctly.
During our stay there were a few scuffles, mainly due to my own stupidity and
stubbornness but I'm happy to report that no one lost an eye in any war of words.
The days were warm and wonderful while the nights were relaxing as we relished
the quite time after the children went to bed.
A perfect pleasure it was to witness and bask in the Blue Moon on Aug 31st.
Any of you that know me well can testify to the love I have for that
celestial sweet sight!
Another bright spot in our time away was having a childhood friend stop
by with her three Sons for a visit.
My Sister hadn't seen her in at least twenty years, it's been over five for me.
Superb it was hearing all about her family and sharing smiles and laughter
with her again.
Very much like my Sister is this woman, beautiful, bright and spreading
sunshine wherever she goes!
We spoke of getting together next year for a weekend and I do hope that happens.
Much time in our younger years did we spend with her family and I miss seeing them
on a regular basis.
I really must be going but before I do there is one more thing I'd like to
share with all of you.
The end of my Summer for the last couple of years has been our Aunt and Uncle's
Polish Luau Labour Day party.
My oldest Son and I have attended and helped out and this year we were pleased
to be invited back.
I love spending time talking with my Uncle's side of the family, I didn't know any
of them growing up so they are all new smiles to me.
They were very welcoming and warm with Liam and I and just like last year, we
worked hard to make everyone comfortable and content.
One of their guests was a Bridesmaid at their wedding and I was tickled when
I heard she and her Husband would be joining the party.
I remember very clearly how Maureen ended my crying at my Aunt and Uncle's
wedding when I was five years old.
No way on my "Hell No Highway" did I want to walk up that aisle alone and
wished only to be next to Maureen all day.
Seeing her again brought back a flood of those fine feelings and we shared many
kisses and hugs at the party.
She kept saying how my smile hasn't changed and how much she loved seeing
the things she had in common with my oldest Son.
It was wonderful to see everyone and felt so good at the end of the day
to know that we helped make it beautiful for everyone.
Often I feel useless and worthless because of my issues with self esteem
but I never feel like that when I am helping others.
Thank you to everyone who helped me have a very happy vacation, two in
one Summer is beyond sweet!
I'll leave these lines with a song titled the same as my above entry and a few
pictures from our travels.
Thanks for reading whats on my mind and may this day be going your way!
weeks since my last entry.
This morning as I made my way from the nest, the song in this title was
playing in my mind.
It's always reminded me of Summer's end and every year when the kids
return to school I can be found humming it's tune.
Many things do I have to share with you here so I'll get right to it.
First off, I'd like to let you all know that my Aunt passed away on Aug 28th.
One day shy of her 71st birthday.
My Sis, her kids, my Hubby Bub and our children were all in Michigan when
she left this life but we were happy to put our vacation on hold so we could
come back to comfort our Mother and say our final goodbye.
We decided it would be best if my Husband stayed back while just Julie and I
go to the viewing.
This way, the kids could still enjoy the day while my Sis and I made our way
back to Windsor.
We planned on stopping in to see our Meme's Sister, Aunt Marce who is
now in a nursing home.
I'm so glad we found the time to follow through because I hadn't seen
her in a year and my Sister states several years have passed since she last
laid eyes on her.
Aunt Marce was always a very kind and gentle soul and I'm happy to say that
she still is, even though she may not remember so well.
As you may have already guessed, she has Alzheimer's and didn't remember
us when we entered her room.
Last year she knew who my children, Husband and I were, this year, not so much.
It was sad but we had a lovely visit and she truly was happy to have the company.
Over and over she told us of how her and her siblings had to be in bed by 9pm
every night in the Summer and my Sis and I could tell how it must have
peeved her plenty back then.
We had to laugh when she commented about the cute male staff and how
she didn't mind spending her days looking at them.
Aunt Marce has always been a sparkle in my life and I'm happy that we were
able to see her again.
Before I go any further in this entry I want tell you about a special guest that
joined us on August 28th for her birthday.
Our Cousin who is always busy and bustling about, just so happened to be free
and by the grace of our Aunt and Uncle's hospitality, she was able to spend the
night with us!
The pleasure was all ours and she cracked us all up with her comical ways.
Every time she would say "Oh shut the front door!" in place of a well known
swearing sentence, I would laugh out loud.
My Sister made butter chicken for her birthday dinner and we had a very nice night.
Thank you Cousin for choosing to spend your big day with us, we had a blast!
The week away flew by and though we had a terrific time, I just wish we could
find a way to make our visits linger on longer.
We ate like royalty and enjoyed every ounce of sunshine we were given, only one
day of rain, if I recall correctly.
During our stay there were a few scuffles, mainly due to my own stupidity and
stubbornness but I'm happy to report that no one lost an eye in any war of words.
The days were warm and wonderful while the nights were relaxing as we relished
the quite time after the children went to bed.
A perfect pleasure it was to witness and bask in the Blue Moon on Aug 31st.
Any of you that know me well can testify to the love I have for that
celestial sweet sight!
Another bright spot in our time away was having a childhood friend stop
by with her three Sons for a visit.
My Sister hadn't seen her in at least twenty years, it's been over five for me.
Superb it was hearing all about her family and sharing smiles and laughter
with her again.
Very much like my Sister is this woman, beautiful, bright and spreading
sunshine wherever she goes!
We spoke of getting together next year for a weekend and I do hope that happens.
Much time in our younger years did we spend with her family and I miss seeing them
on a regular basis.
I really must be going but before I do there is one more thing I'd like to
share with all of you.
The end of my Summer for the last couple of years has been our Aunt and Uncle's
Polish Luau Labour Day party.
My oldest Son and I have attended and helped out and this year we were pleased
to be invited back.
I love spending time talking with my Uncle's side of the family, I didn't know any
of them growing up so they are all new smiles to me.
They were very welcoming and warm with Liam and I and just like last year, we
worked hard to make everyone comfortable and content.
One of their guests was a Bridesmaid at their wedding and I was tickled when
I heard she and her Husband would be joining the party.
I remember very clearly how Maureen ended my crying at my Aunt and Uncle's
wedding when I was five years old.
No way on my "Hell No Highway" did I want to walk up that aisle alone and
wished only to be next to Maureen all day.
Seeing her again brought back a flood of those fine feelings and we shared many
kisses and hugs at the party.
She kept saying how my smile hasn't changed and how much she loved seeing
the things she had in common with my oldest Son.
It was wonderful to see everyone and felt so good at the end of the day
to know that we helped make it beautiful for everyone.
Often I feel useless and worthless because of my issues with self esteem
but I never feel like that when I am helping others.
Thank you to everyone who helped me have a very happy vacation, two in
one Summer is beyond sweet!
I'll leave these lines with a song titled the same as my above entry and a few
pictures from our travels.
Thanks for reading whats on my mind and may this day be going your way!
Thursday, 23 August 2012
Precious Time.....
That's what's on the mind grounds this morning.
Recently I went to see an Aunt in the hospital who is very ill and it's got me
thinking about life in a large way.
This Aunt has always been very kind and considerate towards me and other
members in my family and I'm sad with worry for her well health.
Like when anyone I love is sick or in a bad way, I always want to run to their
side and do anything I can to make them smile or feel better.
My Mother has always told me how her oldest Sister was like a Mother to her
since they lost theirs when my Mom was only sixteen.
She was there for her when she struggled in her first pregnancy and gave birth
only six months after their Mother had died of Leukemia.
Through the agony of giving her first child up for adoption.
A few short years later she would again be there for the bumps and bruises
of , marriage, two more pregnancies and eventually a divorce and custody battle.
Through it all, there was my Aunt, always offering her love, support and encouragement.
It hurts to not only to know that she may not have long to live but to see my
Mother in sadness over it as well.
I feel helpless and long to heal my Mothers heart and rid my Aunt of her disease.
Yesterday I had breakfast with three of my Cousins, two of them also call
the lady I've mentioned, their Aunt.
We spoke of how good she looked when we had our reunion in July and of
how quickly things change in life.
I am so happy that we had those precious moments back on July 20th
because they mean even more to me now.
The conversations were kept light and I'm sure that's because none of us
wanted to sink in the sadness of the situation and always seek sharing smiles
when we're all together.
What I took from our breakfast meeting was a renewed sense of love for not
only those I have in my life but for the precious time we've been given to share
those moments, thanks Big Guy!
This weekend I will be gathering with my Sister and her crew.
Call it an end of Summer Soiree.
I am very excited for this as I will be getting my oldest Son back.
You see, my Sister and her Husband have had the pleasure of his company
all Summer and I miss him so very much!
I know we'll have fun and I can't wait to soak in all the smiles, sunshine and moonlight.
Last night we allowed our youngest Son to have a sleep over and though
they were up way to late for my liking, I'm beaming over their best behaviour.
Aidn hasn't had very many friends since we moved here seven years ago and
it pleases my blood pumper to see him have more people to play with now.
I never had many friends at his age but I'm happy to say that the one I was closest
to back then, I'm still in close contact with now.
Well I just made the boys potato pancakes for breakfast and my Son's friend
has never had them before.
I'm basking in the praise from there mouths and bellies, it is a great thing when
others appreciate the efforts we make for them, isn't it?
I'll leave you with a picture I posted not long ago here, just feel like it needs
to be seen again.
Also, I will leave you with a finely fitting song for this blog entry and a couple
of pictures from yesterday.
In closing I would like to ask any of you out there that are Lord lovers to please offer
up a prayer for my Aunt's well health, she needs them now more than ever!
Thank you for reading what's on my mind and may this day be marvelous for you!
Recently I went to see an Aunt in the hospital who is very ill and it's got me
thinking about life in a large way.
This Aunt has always been very kind and considerate towards me and other
members in my family and I'm sad with worry for her well health.
Like when anyone I love is sick or in a bad way, I always want to run to their
side and do anything I can to make them smile or feel better.
My Mother has always told me how her oldest Sister was like a Mother to her
since they lost theirs when my Mom was only sixteen.
She was there for her when she struggled in her first pregnancy and gave birth
only six months after their Mother had died of Leukemia.
Through the agony of giving her first child up for adoption.
A few short years later she would again be there for the bumps and bruises
of , marriage, two more pregnancies and eventually a divorce and custody battle.
Through it all, there was my Aunt, always offering her love, support and encouragement.
It hurts to not only to know that she may not have long to live but to see my
Mother in sadness over it as well.
I feel helpless and long to heal my Mothers heart and rid my Aunt of her disease.
Yesterday I had breakfast with three of my Cousins, two of them also call
the lady I've mentioned, their Aunt.
We spoke of how good she looked when we had our reunion in July and of
how quickly things change in life.
I am so happy that we had those precious moments back on July 20th
because they mean even more to me now.
The conversations were kept light and I'm sure that's because none of us
wanted to sink in the sadness of the situation and always seek sharing smiles
when we're all together.
What I took from our breakfast meeting was a renewed sense of love for not
only those I have in my life but for the precious time we've been given to share
those moments, thanks Big Guy!
This weekend I will be gathering with my Sister and her crew.
Call it an end of Summer Soiree.
I am very excited for this as I will be getting my oldest Son back.
You see, my Sister and her Husband have had the pleasure of his company
all Summer and I miss him so very much!
I know we'll have fun and I can't wait to soak in all the smiles, sunshine and moonlight.
Last night we allowed our youngest Son to have a sleep over and though
they were up way to late for my liking, I'm beaming over their best behaviour.
Aidn hasn't had very many friends since we moved here seven years ago and
it pleases my blood pumper to see him have more people to play with now.
I never had many friends at his age but I'm happy to say that the one I was closest
to back then, I'm still in close contact with now.
Well I just made the boys potato pancakes for breakfast and my Son's friend
has never had them before.
I'm basking in the praise from there mouths and bellies, it is a great thing when
others appreciate the efforts we make for them, isn't it?
I'll leave you with a picture I posted not long ago here, just feel like it needs
to be seen again.
Also, I will leave you with a finely fitting song for this blog entry and a couple
of pictures from yesterday.
In closing I would like to ask any of you out there that are Lord lovers to please offer
up a prayer for my Aunt's well health, she needs them now more than ever!
Thank you for reading what's on my mind and may this day be marvelous for you!
Friday, 17 August 2012
The Waters Edge.....
This week has been a rough one and when that happens I often go to the
water to quiet my mind and the world around me.
Yesterday that's exactly what I did.
After spending the day in "irritable self syndrome mode", I was ready for
release when my Husband came home from work.
He instantly knew there was something wrong and started to try peeling the layers
of my problems away.
I would have none of that though, if I started to let my sourness out it would just
snowball into things that had nothing to do with my miserable way.
I needed to be alone with my ugliness, no good ever comes from
unleashing it on others.
So I put my pounds to pedaling and made may way to where I longed to be,
along the waters edge.
The weather was warm with a threat of rain in the clouds above but that was the
furthest thing from my mind.
Though a sky seep would have felt finely fitting for my foul mood, I'm glad the
clouds held it together so I could sit and reflect about my sour self.
While I was down there I thought about the many nights I spent sitting alone at the
beach as a teen and just how much of my life has been spent in or by the water.
How many times have I cried to her swaying shore?
Just thinking those thoughts, once again brought about the eye leaks that marked
my face on and off through the day.
That old expression "you are your own worst enemy" rings true in me and yesterday
I made sure that I would stay stuck in the mud of myself for most of the day.
Thinking back on how hard I thought life was at 14, I realize now just how much
easier it could have been if I had only applied myself more.
That has had a direct impact on how I live life now.
Though I fall flat on my face frequently and fumble through most tasks, I keep trying!
I find comfort in that because there are moments when I just don't want to
live in my skin.
Today I can see clearly and what's visible is the vestige in the verge of destruction.
No worries Folks, I'm fine and refueled.
Standing on the rail by the water I looked up and down the river for anything
to make me smile.
The mermaid I was hoping for never made her way to the surface but
something more meaningful showed it's face.
Walking back to the picnic table I had parked myself on earlier, I wondered
why my number hasn't been called?
I was feeling like quite a failure and wanted the big guy to answer me that one question, directly!
A tidal wave in the think tank of thoughts came crashing through, "I've failed my kids, Husband and all my loved ones", "Why couldn't I be more like others?", "There's nothing positive in me", "I feel stupid and untalented", "You made me as an example to show the world what a failure really is, didn't you!?"
"She was right, I didn't amount to anything" and on it went for several minutes.
You know what those are, don't you?
They're Pity Party Favors, Folks.
Though I'm uncertain if I should share such intimate thoughts of myself,
with all of you, it's the one thing that makes me believe I'm trying to do
something for the benefit of my well health.
Speaking in smiles and sunshine doesn't always work for me.
Anyway, I was telling you about the meaningful thing I saw.
As I was eye leaks into my unending emotions, wiping my tears, I looked
West and saw a women in the distance walking her dog and heading towards me.
She walked as if intoxicated and once she got close enough for me to see the
details of her face, I realized why.
She was clearly crippled with some disease that not only disfigured her
facial features but also made mobility difficult for her.
I smiled at her as she walked past and she gave me a grin, it was a
wonderful moment.
Instantly my thoughts changed direction and I knew that a sign was
just offered to me.
It was then, the pity party was at it's end. :)
Moments later my Husband showed up to check on me, being well aware of
the woeful way I was in.
I told him that I would be along soon and after he left I got on my
bike and made my way home.
So with the clean slate of a new day and it is Friday after all, I've given
myself another good talking to and decided that the only way to sow
successful seeds in life is to plant them in a plentiful field.
I like to think that's what I've been doing here since last November.
That was hard but I'm feeling pretty good about my decision.
I've always been a risk taker and I've been playing Russin Roulette with
the monsters in my mind, for years.
I'll leave you with a song that's like an old friend to me.
Thanks for reading what's on my mind and may this day be filled
with delight for us all.
water to quiet my mind and the world around me.
Yesterday that's exactly what I did.
After spending the day in "irritable self syndrome mode", I was ready for
release when my Husband came home from work.
He instantly knew there was something wrong and started to try peeling the layers
of my problems away.
I would have none of that though, if I started to let my sourness out it would just
snowball into things that had nothing to do with my miserable way.
I needed to be alone with my ugliness, no good ever comes from
unleashing it on others.
So I put my pounds to pedaling and made may way to where I longed to be,
along the waters edge.
The weather was warm with a threat of rain in the clouds above but that was the
furthest thing from my mind.
Though a sky seep would have felt finely fitting for my foul mood, I'm glad the
clouds held it together so I could sit and reflect about my sour self.
While I was down there I thought about the many nights I spent sitting alone at the
beach as a teen and just how much of my life has been spent in or by the water.
How many times have I cried to her swaying shore?
Just thinking those thoughts, once again brought about the eye leaks that marked
my face on and off through the day.
That old expression "you are your own worst enemy" rings true in me and yesterday
I made sure that I would stay stuck in the mud of myself for most of the day.
Thinking back on how hard I thought life was at 14, I realize now just how much
easier it could have been if I had only applied myself more.
That has had a direct impact on how I live life now.
Though I fall flat on my face frequently and fumble through most tasks, I keep trying!
I find comfort in that because there are moments when I just don't want to
live in my skin.
Today I can see clearly and what's visible is the vestige in the verge of destruction.
No worries Folks, I'm fine and refueled.
Standing on the rail by the water I looked up and down the river for anything
to make me smile.
The mermaid I was hoping for never made her way to the surface but
something more meaningful showed it's face.
Walking back to the picnic table I had parked myself on earlier, I wondered
why my number hasn't been called?
I was feeling like quite a failure and wanted the big guy to answer me that one question, directly!
A tidal wave in the think tank of thoughts came crashing through, "I've failed my kids, Husband and all my loved ones", "Why couldn't I be more like others?", "There's nothing positive in me", "I feel stupid and untalented", "You made me as an example to show the world what a failure really is, didn't you!?"
"She was right, I didn't amount to anything" and on it went for several minutes.
You know what those are, don't you?
They're Pity Party Favors, Folks.
Though I'm uncertain if I should share such intimate thoughts of myself,
with all of you, it's the one thing that makes me believe I'm trying to do
something for the benefit of my well health.
Speaking in smiles and sunshine doesn't always work for me.
Anyway, I was telling you about the meaningful thing I saw.
As I was eye leaks into my unending emotions, wiping my tears, I looked
West and saw a women in the distance walking her dog and heading towards me.
She walked as if intoxicated and once she got close enough for me to see the
details of her face, I realized why.
She was clearly crippled with some disease that not only disfigured her
facial features but also made mobility difficult for her.
I smiled at her as she walked past and she gave me a grin, it was a
wonderful moment.
Instantly my thoughts changed direction and I knew that a sign was
just offered to me.
It was then, the pity party was at it's end. :)
Moments later my Husband showed up to check on me, being well aware of
the woeful way I was in.
I told him that I would be along soon and after he left I got on my
bike and made my way home.
So with the clean slate of a new day and it is Friday after all, I've given
myself another good talking to and decided that the only way to sow
successful seeds in life is to plant them in a plentiful field.
I like to think that's what I've been doing here since last November.
That was hard but I'm feeling pretty good about my decision.
I've always been a risk taker and I've been playing Russin Roulette with
the monsters in my mind, for years.
I'll leave you with a song that's like an old friend to me.
Thanks for reading what's on my mind and may this day be filled
with delight for us all.
Monday, 13 August 2012
The Ones I Look To.....
Many people come to mind when I think of those I look to.
Topping the list most days are my Aunt and my Sister.
Both are very kind and generous souls who often put the needs and desires
of others, first.
My Aunt's entry into the pearly gates is something I'd be willing to bet on.
Hopefully all of you have someone like that in your life, as well.
When I think of how I'd like to improve things about me, it's her and a couple
of others that I'd like a carbon copy from.
My Father is also one who I look to but now that he's departed I have only
the past to search for the lessons he left me.
Actually there are many folks I see different strengths in.
Some friends that we've met up with in the last week, are some.
My Cousin (close friend) came over for dinner on Tuesday and while
we were chatting it up, one of our favorite couples, stopped by.
It's been quite awhile since we've seen them last and it was super sitting,
sharing smiles and laughter with them again.
I met the Wife half of the D&D Duo, twenty years ago when she worked
with my Mother.
Not long after we were introduced, we became best of friends.
Her mild manner and forgiving nature, has always held my admiration.
Quite comical she is, as well and constantly cracks me up.
She's had her share of bumps in the road of life, sink holes even but she
stuck it out, slapped a smile on her face and stepped forward.
Now she is happily married to a man I also admire.
He loves her and all their children, works his backside to the bone
for less than he's ever had to before and is devoted to his loved ones.
Always welcoming when it comes to friends and family, he opens his heart
and home to all of us.
I'm thankful to have had three of my best friends over for a visit and hope
that we can get together again soon.
Over the weekend we were once again in Wheatley, this time it was to
help our friends.
Our youngest Son brought a friend with him and it was wonderful to see
them having fun.
Jumping, splashing and sharing laughter were highlights of the weekend for me.
As always, our friends were generous and great to keep company with.
The food was fabulous and our time there sped by, way to quickly for my liking,
Thanks for all the love, laughter and late nights this Summer, my friends,
they won't soon be forgotten and I'm forever thankful for them.
Though I don't know yet if his efforts paid off, my Husband worked on getting
their hot tub back to bubbly.
A few weeks back he removed the broken piece and just put the new one in.
I hope it worked but none of us were sure when we left.
Back to the title at hand which I really haven't strayed from.
I gather that all of those I love and spend precious time with are indeed the
ones I look to.
Some, for nothing more than a reassuring smile or supportive squeeze,
others offer humor and help lighten my load with laughter.
My children give me promise in their personalities, they persevere
and plow on even against my best efforts to tame them.
My Husband, who is to blame for my hair loss some days, works harder than
anyone I know and always gives it his best go.
Blessed is me and I know it!
Though I'm in pain today, I've been focusing on the fabulousness of the
Folks in my life.
Yup, I'm provoking the positive so I can numb the negative!
Well I must get to this day, it's Monday and that always means more
effort needs to be made!
I'll add a picture from our get together last week.
Thanks for reading what's on my mind and may you enjoy the remainder of this day.
Topping the list most days are my Aunt and my Sister.
Both are very kind and generous souls who often put the needs and desires
of others, first.
My Aunt's entry into the pearly gates is something I'd be willing to bet on.
Hopefully all of you have someone like that in your life, as well.
When I think of how I'd like to improve things about me, it's her and a couple
of others that I'd like a carbon copy from.
My Father is also one who I look to but now that he's departed I have only
the past to search for the lessons he left me.
Actually there are many folks I see different strengths in.
Some friends that we've met up with in the last week, are some.
My Cousin (close friend) came over for dinner on Tuesday and while
we were chatting it up, one of our favorite couples, stopped by.
It's been quite awhile since we've seen them last and it was super sitting,
sharing smiles and laughter with them again.
I met the Wife half of the D&D Duo, twenty years ago when she worked
with my Mother.
Not long after we were introduced, we became best of friends.
Her mild manner and forgiving nature, has always held my admiration.
Quite comical she is, as well and constantly cracks me up.
She's had her share of bumps in the road of life, sink holes even but she
stuck it out, slapped a smile on her face and stepped forward.
Now she is happily married to a man I also admire.
He loves her and all their children, works his backside to the bone
for less than he's ever had to before and is devoted to his loved ones.
Always welcoming when it comes to friends and family, he opens his heart
and home to all of us.
I'm thankful to have had three of my best friends over for a visit and hope
that we can get together again soon.
Over the weekend we were once again in Wheatley, this time it was to
help our friends.
Our youngest Son brought a friend with him and it was wonderful to see
them having fun.
Jumping, splashing and sharing laughter were highlights of the weekend for me.
As always, our friends were generous and great to keep company with.
The food was fabulous and our time there sped by, way to quickly for my liking,
Thanks for all the love, laughter and late nights this Summer, my friends,
they won't soon be forgotten and I'm forever thankful for them.
Though I don't know yet if his efforts paid off, my Husband worked on getting
their hot tub back to bubbly.
A few weeks back he removed the broken piece and just put the new one in.
I hope it worked but none of us were sure when we left.
Back to the title at hand which I really haven't strayed from.
I gather that all of those I love and spend precious time with are indeed the
ones I look to.
Some, for nothing more than a reassuring smile or supportive squeeze,
others offer humor and help lighten my load with laughter.
My children give me promise in their personalities, they persevere
and plow on even against my best efforts to tame them.
My Husband, who is to blame for my hair loss some days, works harder than
anyone I know and always gives it his best go.
Blessed is me and I know it!
Though I'm in pain today, I've been focusing on the fabulousness of the
Folks in my life.
Yup, I'm provoking the positive so I can numb the negative!
Well I must get to this day, it's Monday and that always means more
effort needs to be made!
I'll add a picture from our get together last week.
Thanks for reading what's on my mind and may you enjoy the remainder of this day.
Tuesday, 7 August 2012
Concert High Coolness!.....
That's what I was into last Friday night.
It took some bribing and convincing on my part but I was finally
able to talk my Husband into taking me to Rockin' On The Riverfront.
This was the fourth time we had been and it was an enjoyable evening out,
even though Hubby Bub was in a miffed mood all night.
I didn't let that stop me from having a swell time though.
The weather was wonderful, like it's always been when we go.
Hot, humid and a blowing breeze from the water, beaming I was!
We've seen Asia, Three Dog Night and Bachman Turner there and I
haven't been disappointed yet.
He sang all the hits but my favorite for the night was Just Between You And Me.
For those of you who may not know who Lou Gramm is, I'll fill you in.
He was once the lead singer for a band called Foreigner, a successful band
from the 80's.
Huge hits they had, that included Jukebox Hero, Hot Blooded, Cold As Ice,
Waiting For A Girl Like You, Urgent, Double Vision, Feels Like The First Time
and Head Games.
Though Journey was my favorite band back then, I always enjoyed most of the
efforts these guys released to radio.
Mr Gramm was diagnosed with a brain tumor back in the late 90's and lost a lot
of the range and power in his voice though he still sounds sweet to me.
The show was just over an hour long but with the opening band it was well over
two hours worth of good solid classic rock.
After the show, we were off to spend the weekend at our Aunt and Uncle's
house in Michigan.
They needed some help with stuff around the house and we're always happy to
help them out.
It was after 11pm once we arrived so I took to doing some laundry and getting
Aidn ready for bed.
Hubby stated he would come and sit outside by the water with me but he ended
up falling asleep on the couch instead, I gave him grief for it the following day
but then felt badly because he works so hard and is up everyday by 6am.
Of course he can't stay up as late as I do.
Sometimes I expect far to much from him.
Again, it didn't ruin my good time and I stayed up by the shore, all by my lonesome
until five in the morning.
The moon was marvelous in her bright beautiful beaminess on the water, man that
sight sucks me in, every time!
I awoke in a well way and even I was surprised by my good mood.
Rarely am I in a bad way when I'm there because my Aunt is one of those people
that make everyone feel warm and welcome.
Also her Husband is very hospitable and gets a kick out of our little fireball, Aidn.
I'm so glad that we get to spend so much time with them and I'm already looking
forward to seeing them both, this coming weekend.
I can't believe that's already the second week of August.
Does anyone have a stop or pause button on Summer's speed?
Push one for me if you do, please.
Well the suns out and I'm kid less once again, thank you Papa!
So I think I'll so soak up some rays because the tan I'm sporting ain't
brown enough for me.
I'll add a song and a few shots of us from the show.
Thanks for reading what's on my mind and may this day be marvelous for you!
It took some bribing and convincing on my part but I was finally
able to talk my Husband into taking me to Rockin' On The Riverfront.
This was the fourth time we had been and it was an enjoyable evening out,
even though Hubby Bub was in a miffed mood all night.
I didn't let that stop me from having a swell time though.
The weather was wonderful, like it's always been when we go.
Hot, humid and a blowing breeze from the water, beaming I was!
We've seen Asia, Three Dog Night and Bachman Turner there and I
haven't been disappointed yet.
He sang all the hits but my favorite for the night was Just Between You And Me.
For those of you who may not know who Lou Gramm is, I'll fill you in.
He was once the lead singer for a band called Foreigner, a successful band
from the 80's.
Huge hits they had, that included Jukebox Hero, Hot Blooded, Cold As Ice,
Waiting For A Girl Like You, Urgent, Double Vision, Feels Like The First Time
and Head Games.
Though Journey was my favorite band back then, I always enjoyed most of the
efforts these guys released to radio.
Mr Gramm was diagnosed with a brain tumor back in the late 90's and lost a lot
of the range and power in his voice though he still sounds sweet to me.
The show was just over an hour long but with the opening band it was well over
two hours worth of good solid classic rock.
After the show, we were off to spend the weekend at our Aunt and Uncle's
house in Michigan.
They needed some help with stuff around the house and we're always happy to
help them out.
It was after 11pm once we arrived so I took to doing some laundry and getting
Aidn ready for bed.
Hubby stated he would come and sit outside by the water with me but he ended
up falling asleep on the couch instead, I gave him grief for it the following day
but then felt badly because he works so hard and is up everyday by 6am.
Of course he can't stay up as late as I do.
Sometimes I expect far to much from him.
Again, it didn't ruin my good time and I stayed up by the shore, all by my lonesome
until five in the morning.
The moon was marvelous in her bright beautiful beaminess on the water, man that
sight sucks me in, every time!
I awoke in a well way and even I was surprised by my good mood.
Rarely am I in a bad way when I'm there because my Aunt is one of those people
that make everyone feel warm and welcome.
Also her Husband is very hospitable and gets a kick out of our little fireball, Aidn.
I'm so glad that we get to spend so much time with them and I'm already looking
forward to seeing them both, this coming weekend.
I can't believe that's already the second week of August.
Does anyone have a stop or pause button on Summer's speed?
Push one for me if you do, please.
Well the suns out and I'm kid less once again, thank you Papa!
So I think I'll so soak up some rays because the tan I'm sporting ain't
brown enough for me.
I'll add a song and a few shots of us from the show.
Thanks for reading what's on my mind and may this day be marvelous for you!
Friday, 3 August 2012
Reaching Roots......
That's what some of mine did two weeks ago today.
My Aunt, her Daughter and Granddaughter came from out West for a visit.
We had made plans in advance to gather at the house of our Cousin.
She has a large family and is always inviting and welcoming with everyone
so I think it was a marvelous choice for meeting up.
Everyone contributed to the delicious feast we all fed on.
There were so many good things to eat, hamburgers, foot long hot dogs,
sausages, Greek pasta salads, nacho dip, fruit, veggies and perogies.
Any of you that know me well can guess what I brought to the party.
The day before our gathering the weather forecast called for rain but
once a few others and myself took to blowing the clouds away, sunny skies
prevailed and wonderful weather was ours for the whole day!
Our Cousin has a large trampoline that the children couldn't wait to use.
It seems that jumping on it wasn't going to be good enough for the kids though.
Before long they had water balloons and dish soap added for their
jumping, slip sliding fun.
It was sweet seeing all of the kids having a blast under the big bright ball in the sky.
This reunion of sorts was one for my Mom's side of the family.
I don't get to spend as much time with them as I do my Father's side of the family
and that's a shame because I love being around them.
Though I keep close contact with a few of my Cousins on that side, I don't often get
to visit or talk with my Aunts and Uncles.
It had been many moons since I last saw my Aunt and Cousin from out West and
it was the first time I met my Cousin's Daughter.
She is a bright, beautiful, lively girl and I'm so glad that I was able to finally meet her.
I think the most wonderful thing for me that day was seeing my Mother and
her Sisters embrace the Sister that came home for a visit.
When the oldest Sister held her in her arms and their eyes started leaking,
so did mine, actually mine were more like rivers running down my face.
It's amazing the power of the past and time away from loved ones has on
our hearts, isn't it?
My Mother and members in her family haven't always been as close as the branches
in my Dad's bunch but it's just as beautiful to see when they blossom together
like they did on July 20th of this year.
My Sister wasn't able to make the trip down and I'm sorry she couldn't be there
because she would have loved to visit with everyone again.
I feel blessed and lucky beyond to still have so many family members I love, alive
and well in life.
I hope we gather again soon because the years that past between visits was far
to many for this twig on the trees liking.
Our two Cousins and their Mother did all the dirty work in making this gathering
a great one and saying thanks just doesn't seem like enough.
I'm hoping that typing about them here will also help show my gratitude for their
never ending generosity and goodness.
I love em all so much and to be able to spend any length of time with them
always does my blood pumper proudly.
Thank you ladies, take a bow, you did dandily!
A daughter of my Cousin is thick and heavy into gymnastics and was happy
to show me her broken blister in the palm of her hand.
I was in awe of her grace and effortlessness in every step she took.
Graceful and good on my feet is something I have never been able to boast about.
Her Mother was witness to it many times.
Remember when I was running at the park with you, fell, sat on my own foot
and broke toes?
You gotta remember that one Moke. :)
I was also very happy to see in person what a young male Cousin did with achieving
his goal of weight loss and healthier living, he looked amazing and the hard work
has sure paid off.
Way to go, Sir!
Though I thoroughly enjoyed seeing everyone I think talking with my
Cousin's Daughter touched my heart the most.
You see, she was born with Down Syndrome and I haven't seen her in years.
She is close in age to our oldest Son and I loved chatting with her about the
swim suit she had on, which I loved.
She also spoke of school and friends, was very positive, well worded and
excellent in expressing herself, I love that!
We are truly a blessed bunch and I pray we can make more marvelous memories
together in the very near future.
A Christmas in July get together for next year was mentioned and I'm surely
on board for that.
With no chance of snow, I'll be good to go!
Well things need tending to around here so I'll leave these lines with a couple of
pictures from our great get together.
Thanks for reading what's on my mind and I hope that you're well in this day.
My Aunt, her Daughter and Granddaughter came from out West for a visit.
We had made plans in advance to gather at the house of our Cousin.
She has a large family and is always inviting and welcoming with everyone
so I think it was a marvelous choice for meeting up.
Everyone contributed to the delicious feast we all fed on.
There were so many good things to eat, hamburgers, foot long hot dogs,
sausages, Greek pasta salads, nacho dip, fruit, veggies and perogies.
Any of you that know me well can guess what I brought to the party.
The day before our gathering the weather forecast called for rain but
once a few others and myself took to blowing the clouds away, sunny skies
prevailed and wonderful weather was ours for the whole day!
Our Cousin has a large trampoline that the children couldn't wait to use.
It seems that jumping on it wasn't going to be good enough for the kids though.
Before long they had water balloons and dish soap added for their
jumping, slip sliding fun.
It was sweet seeing all of the kids having a blast under the big bright ball in the sky.
This reunion of sorts was one for my Mom's side of the family.
I don't get to spend as much time with them as I do my Father's side of the family
and that's a shame because I love being around them.
Though I keep close contact with a few of my Cousins on that side, I don't often get
to visit or talk with my Aunts and Uncles.
It had been many moons since I last saw my Aunt and Cousin from out West and
it was the first time I met my Cousin's Daughter.
She is a bright, beautiful, lively girl and I'm so glad that I was able to finally meet her.
I think the most wonderful thing for me that day was seeing my Mother and
her Sisters embrace the Sister that came home for a visit.
When the oldest Sister held her in her arms and their eyes started leaking,
so did mine, actually mine were more like rivers running down my face.
It's amazing the power of the past and time away from loved ones has on
our hearts, isn't it?
My Mother and members in her family haven't always been as close as the branches
in my Dad's bunch but it's just as beautiful to see when they blossom together
like they did on July 20th of this year.
My Sister wasn't able to make the trip down and I'm sorry she couldn't be there
because she would have loved to visit with everyone again.
I feel blessed and lucky beyond to still have so many family members I love, alive
and well in life.
I hope we gather again soon because the years that past between visits was far
to many for this twig on the trees liking.
Our two Cousins and their Mother did all the dirty work in making this gathering
a great one and saying thanks just doesn't seem like enough.
I'm hoping that typing about them here will also help show my gratitude for their
never ending generosity and goodness.
I love em all so much and to be able to spend any length of time with them
always does my blood pumper proudly.
Thank you ladies, take a bow, you did dandily!
A daughter of my Cousin is thick and heavy into gymnastics and was happy
to show me her broken blister in the palm of her hand.
I was in awe of her grace and effortlessness in every step she took.
Graceful and good on my feet is something I have never been able to boast about.
Her Mother was witness to it many times.
Remember when I was running at the park with you, fell, sat on my own foot
and broke toes?
You gotta remember that one Moke. :)
I was also very happy to see in person what a young male Cousin did with achieving
his goal of weight loss and healthier living, he looked amazing and the hard work
has sure paid off.
Way to go, Sir!
Though I thoroughly enjoyed seeing everyone I think talking with my
Cousin's Daughter touched my heart the most.
You see, she was born with Down Syndrome and I haven't seen her in years.
She is close in age to our oldest Son and I loved chatting with her about the
swim suit she had on, which I loved.
She also spoke of school and friends, was very positive, well worded and
excellent in expressing herself, I love that!
We are truly a blessed bunch and I pray we can make more marvelous memories
together in the very near future.
A Christmas in July get together for next year was mentioned and I'm surely
on board for that.
With no chance of snow, I'll be good to go!
Well things need tending to around here so I'll leave these lines with a couple of
pictures from our great get together.
Thanks for reading what's on my mind and I hope that you're well in this day.
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